Another Saturday Night Update from Dutch Bros Coffee. Just four months after we launched in Florida, we are happy to announce store # 4 in the Florida Market. It is now easy to enjoy a mind-blowing drink while staring at the Atlantic or Pacific Oceans.
Stoked to reveal the newest thing to happen in the oldest city in America.
St. Augustine, FL, now has a Dutch Bros Coffee to serve the community. Located at 50 McCoy Way, this location is convenient to everything.
We have been in Florida for a very short while, but it seems like we have always been a part of this community at our core. The service, the energy, and the smiles have blown away customers. Our "Party in the Parking Lot" continues to inspire and delight as we grow across the Sunshine State. Our mission is to create jobs and a compelling future in the communities where we can make a difference.
Mark Baker?and?Harry Raft?led the design and construction on this one, but?Alex Costa?was the real hero, putting in the work to get it done.?Branden Schan,?Lindsay Torgerson, and?Rebecca Goldberg?are deal-making animals. None of these results would be possible without these teams.
If you have never been to Dutch Bros Coffee. Why? We are easier to locate than the Fountain of Youth Archaeological Park, and our energy and vibe will keep you feeling young. I can't suggest strongly enough to order a Shark Attack Rebel; this epically charged drink combines our?Dutch Bros Coffee?Rebel? Energy Drink with blue raspberry syrup, coconut syrup, and lime syrup, then tops it off with pomegranate syrup! Add a SoftTop, and this drink will change your life.
Thank you to @Leigh Gower, Tana Davila, Victoria Tullett, Christine B., Jess Elmquist, Sumi Ghosh,?and Josh Guenser for leading the brand.
This week, we'd like to give special shout-outs to our local operators who moved across the country to open this shop.?Ronnie Manley,?Christian Cochran,?and crew, you are so inspiring, and you guys are already doing great things in this town. Dane Prevatt, JJ Herzog, Jenny James, Jeff Bass,Levi Ayriss?and Nicole Brown. Florida, say it again, Florida.
#team #brand #work #work #coffee #change #future
#compellingfuture #creatingjobs #dutchbros #retaillive
#icsc #thankyou #rebel #Florida #staugustine