
The trusted parents@work program is now being offered by Oraco Group and will be expanding to support more people through our peer coaching programs! Please follow our new page for announcements and inspiration!

Weiterbildung und Coaching
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Besch?ftigte von parents@work


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    Our parents@work program was launched in 2014 with a vision to build better workplaces for parents. A decade later, this vision endures and continues to evolve with the introduction of Oraco, an expansion of the original initiative to empower working parents. Oraco Group merges the parents@work program with additional services, providing comprehensive coaching and fostering a vibrant community to support both parents and companies. This development represents a natural progression, building on the successful foundation of the parents@work program to offer extended services and continue its mission. Thank you everyone, our loyal followers, for your continued engagement and support, we hope to see all of you on our new LinkedIn page:?

    Oraco Group | LinkedIn

    Oraco Group | LinkedIn

  • Unternehmensseite von parents@work anzeigen, Grafik

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    Only 5 days left until the 4Gamechangers Festival 2024, and parents@work is thrilled to be a proud partner of this incredible event! ?? Our very own parents@work partner Beatrix Mitterweissacher, will be taking the stage to share her insights on how to better support working parents. We're looking forward to her discussion and the opportunity to engage in meaningful conversations. Stay tuned for live updates of us at the festival, and be sure to catch Beatrix's session. Tickets are still available here >>>> Let's continue the dialogue on creating a more supportive and inclusive work culture for all parents. Hope to see you there! #parentsAtWork #4Gamechangerz #WorkLifeBalance

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    Profil von Mag. Beatrix Mitterweissacher, MBA, CSE anzeigen, Grafik

    Cert. Business Coach (Trigon) | Trainerin | Mediatorin | Entwicklungsbegleitung & Sparring | Employee Experience | HBA Member Vienna | ???? Partner parents@work by ORACO Group | New Work Coach (IHK)

    ?????? ?????????????? ???????????????? ü?????? ?????? ?????????? ??????????????????ü?????? ???? ??????????????????? ????????????????... Der Gender Pension Gap 2023 betr?gt laut STATISTIK AUSTRIA?????,???? % und ist damit marginal niedriger als 2022 mit 41,06%. Um 40,55% weniger Pension bekommen Frauen im Durchschnitt in ?sterreich im Vergleich zu M?nnern. Die Pensionslücke liegt seit vielen Jahren um die 40% und bewegt sich nicht wirklich nach unten. Mich st?rt das sehr. Auch deswegen weil ich in der Alterskohorte 70+ einige Frauen kenne, denen es nach einem arbeitsreichen Leben, in dem sie oft mehrere Kinder gro? gezogen haben, nicht verg?nnt ist, die letzten Jahre sorgenfrei zu leben. Oft hat es mit der Scheidung vom Partner zu tun, oft reicht die H?he der Pension bei Alleinstehenden einfach nicht für die gestiegenen Lebenserhaltungskosten. In den 60er und 70er Jahren mag das in ?sterreich traditionell eher konservativere Lebensmodell der Alleinverdienerfamilie normal gewesen sein. Die Absicherung Familie hat sehr oft gehalten, Arbeitspl?tze, die eine Vereinbarkeit von Familie und Arbeit zugelassen h?tten, gab es vor allem in den l?ndlichen Gebieten ?sterreichs wenig bis gar nicht. In den letzten 40-50 Jahren hat sich die Gesellschaft dramatisch gewandelt. Traditionelle Rollenbilder wurden zum Teil aufgebrochen, die Gesellschaft an sich ist diverser geworden. Und trotzdem haben wir nach wir vor eine Pensionslücke zwischen M?nnern und Frauen von über 40%? Es gibt Themen über die müssen wir sprechen. In den Familien, in den Schulen, im ?ffentlichen Diskurs. Die #pensionslücke ist so ein Thema. Denn sie ist dramatisch. ?sterreich ???? liegt innerhalb der EU damit im hintersten Feld. Schliessen k?nnen wir sie u.a. damit, dass wir unsere jungen Menschen - Frauen wie M?nner - darüber aufkl?ren, was jahrelange Teilzeitt?tigkeit für finanziell dramatische Folgen haben kann. Das ist wichtig. Auch über das Thema Pensionslücke durfte ich letzte Woche bei der Art of Recruiting #aor sprechen, bei der ich gemeinsam mit meiner Kollegin Miriam Hermle auf der Bühne des Kongresshauses in Salzburg stand. #vereinbarkeit #familieundberuf -------------------------------- parents@work unterstütz Unternehmen, Führungskr?fte & Mitarbeitende mit gezielten Programmen bei der Mitarbeiterbindung und Talentgewinnung von Eltern, Pflegende, Frauen und Mitgliedern der LGTBQ+ Community. ? Mehr Info auf "Zur Website"

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  • Unternehmensseite von parents@work anzeigen, Grafik

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    ?? Speaker Announcement Alert!?? We're excited to share that our very own Beatrix Mitterweissacher from parents@work Austria will be gracing the stage at the upcoming 4GAMECHANGERS Festival! Beatrix will be delving into crucial topics of Building engaged, performance driven teams, attracting and retaining top talent, and increasing gender diversity, especially in senior roles. These issues are vital for every organization, and the significance couldn't be clearer. We asked Beatrix what her passion is, and this is what she had to say: ?? "Creating a workplace where parents can pursue their careers and nurture their family life simultaneously, without feeling the weight of choosing one over the other. As an entrepreneur and a proud full-time working mom of two, I've experienced first-hand the hurdles of today's modern workplaces." Don't miss Beatrix at the 4GameChangers stage. Stay tuned for more updates as we prepare for this enlightening discussion at the 4GameChangers Festival! ?? #parentsatwork #4Gamechangers #GenderDiversity #WorkLifeBalance

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  • Unternehmensseite von parents@work anzeigen, Grafik

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    We're thrilled to share that parents@work will be participating in the 4GAMECHANGERS Festival! Join us from May 14 to May 16 at Vienna's premier international digital festival, hosting over 5000 visionaries each day. It's happening again, and you won't want to miss it! Let's celebrate the fusion of innovation, inspiration, digitalization, and the power of cooperation. We're proud to be a part of this event, click here for more information ?? Stay tuned for more information in our upcoming posts. #4gamechangers2024 #partnerships #event

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  • Unternehmensseite von parents@work anzeigen, Grafik

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    Embracing the Power of Peer Coaching at parents@work ?? We want to take a moment to celebrate the incredible power of our peer coaching program at Bristol Myers Squibb. Over the past year, we've witnessed the profound impact of genuine connections and shared experiences through our peer coaching initiatives. The peer coaches, who are not just colleagues but parents themselves, have played a pivotal role in guiding, supporting, and uplifting fellow parents facing the beautiful complexities of work-life integration. Here are some testimonials from some of them. At parents@work, we believe in the strength found in shared experiences, and we are honored to witness the positive transformations sparked by the connections made within our peer coaching programs. Thank you to all our peer coaches for sharing! Annie-France Duong Ana?g Garrec Fulya Yasan Here's to the power of empathy, understanding, and genuine support as we continue this incredible journey with our BMS peer coaches and coachees! ????

  • Unternehmensseite von parents@work anzeigen, Grafik

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    At parents@work we love to celebrate companies that support working parents! We are excited to share the feedback from the parents who have participated in the parents@work peer coaching program at Bristol Myers Squibb. Over the course of the programme at BMS, they meet with their peer coach, who is both colleague and fellow parent, to exchange and discuss their goals, challenges, and the actions they can take to find their own best way of combining work and family. At parents@work, we believe in the power of community and support, and these testimonials are a testament to the positive impact our peer coaching program is making in the lives of working parents. Stay tuned for more testimonials from the peer coaches that inspire, resonate, and remind us all of the strength we find in unity. Together with BMS we're creating a workplace culture that understands and champions the needs of working parents. #parentsatwork #BMS #testimonials #spotlight #peercoaching

  • Unternehmensseite von parents@work anzeigen, Grafik

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    ?? Exciting Celebrations at BMS Offices! ?? We’re excited to share some incredible moments from our recent celebration event at BMS offices! As we continue to champion working parents, this gathering was a testament to the supportive community Bristol Myers Squibb has built to support their employees. Some Key Highlights from the event: ?? The parents@work team shared on the spirit of collaboration, emphasizing the power of support and connection within the BMS family. ?? Inspiring Testimonials were shared with stories that resonated with everyone and showcased the positive impact of the parents@work peer coaching program. ?? Shared Experiences: The Q&A session allowed the BMS staff to openly exchange experiences and insights, creating an environment for shared knowledge. Our parents@work team Celine Hendrick and Rachael Waldinger also shared the Program Outcomes Report which showcased the collective success stories, highlighted the positive changes experienced by our peer coaches and parents. We were also excited to announce about the expansion and new initiatives within our parenting community which we will also be launching with BMS. A big thank you to everyone who contributed to the success of this event! Your dedication to building a supportive community is what makes parents@work thrive. Here's to more shared successes, growth, and collaboration within our incredible BMS community! #BMSCelebration #WorkingParents #CommunitySuccess #ParentsAtWork #LinkedInFamily

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  • Unternehmensseite von parents@work anzeigen, Grafik

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    ?? Exciting Update! Bristol Myers Squibb Takes the Spotlight of the month ?? This month's Customer Spotlight at parents@work features our partner and client, BMS! Committed to supporting working parents, BMS leads various initiatives, from parent communities to support groups and our parents@work peer coaching program. Their efforts make a difference in the lives of many parents, and we're proud to be part of their journey. ?? With the collaboration of parents@work and BMS, a positive impact is reflected on the lives of working parents. Stay tuned throughout the month as we showcase and celebrate the initiatives by BMS! ?? #CustomerSpotlight #WorkingParents #BMS #ParentsAtWork #Collaboration #ImpactfulWork

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