I’m thrilled to announce the latest update to Lightcast’s quarterly #cybersecurity talent report!
Here are the latest numbers:
?? The cyber talent gap grew to about 265,000 in the U.S. This represents about a 40k uptick since earlier this year.
?? Despite the broad talent gap in cyber, there is a 10% surplus of entry-level cyber workers.
?? Only 7% of the existing cyber workforce came directly from a degree program, and only 1% came directly out of sub-BA programs.
?? The share of cyber jobs requesting AI skills jumped about 50% in the past year, underscoring the increasing demand for #AI in cyber.
Taken together, these numbers illustrate the need to expand the entry-level cyber talent pipeline so we can bring fresh talent with new skills into the field.
This doesn’t mean handing the keys to our entire digital infrastructure over to new workers, but it does mean thoughtfully designing more on-ramps for workers from diverse backgrounds to kickstart their careers in cyber - whether through offering more internships or apprenticeships, deconstructing roles into more entry-level vs. experienced roles, or building innovative approaches to redeploying workers from skill-adjacent fields.
Along with our update to #CyberSeek last week, we hope this release helps to further illuminate key trends in the cyber workforce so employers, educators, policymakers, and individuals are armed with the information they need to expand opportunity across the cyber talent ecosystem.
#cybersecurityjobs #cybersecuritytalent