Today, an online workshop of the ESFRI-EOSC task force ( was held to learn about the first results of the implementation of the OSCARS cascading grants. 36 participants, coordinators of Science Clusters, members of the boards of ESFRI and EOSC, officials from the European Commission's RTD Directorate, observers from the ERIC forum, EIRO forum, EOSC association, e-IRG noted the success of the OSCARS calls. As highlighted in my presentation : - The OSCARS’s cascading grants call is seen as a relevant tool to provide scientific content to EOSC. - Future cascading grant calls should be envisaged during the implementation of the EOSC Federation to facilitate integration among Nodes and validate their scientific impact. - Through OSCARS we demonstrate that the five Science Clusters have taken paths to become long-term structures, they act to consolidate the close collaboration between ESFRI and EOSC, they support the national institutes and the scientific communities in enhancing their involvement in Open Science in ERA, they federate the involvement of ESFRI-endorsed Research Infrastructures (RIs) and other world-class RIs in EOSC. - There is an important demand for highly composable virtual research environments per scientific domain for comprehensive hosting of open science projects and federation of data repositories. Such environments would enable co-operation schemes with other national nodes (EOSCs) and be instrumental in accessing pan-European RIs, for multidisciplinary projects, including those bridging industries and other sectoral data spaces. - The pilot projects participate in supporting ESFRIs in their preparatory phases as well as in consolidating the work programme of each cluster, while allowing synergies to be structured between the various scientific fields. To learn more about the ?Fist call: ?Funded projects:? ?Second call: ?1st annual assembly: ?Science Clusters: OSCARS project ESCAPE EU ENVRI community, Life Science RIs (EOSC-Life, PaNOSC, SSHOC - Social Sciences and Humanities Open Cloud, EOSC-EVERSE, EOSC Association CNRS CERN CERIC-ERIC CESSDA ERIC CLARIN ERIC COMMpla srl DARIAH ERIC DESYEATRIS EMBL ERINHA ESRF - The European Synchrotron Finnish Meteorological Institute - Ilmatieteen laitos Forschungszentrum Jülich KNAW - Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen LifeWatch ERIC Masaryk University Trust-IT Services UvA van Amsterdam Albert-Ludwigs-Universit?t Freiburg University of Ljubljana Universit?t Wien