The third edition of the Pandas Cookbook is now available for pre-order! This update builds on ?? Matt Harrison's excellent foundation from the second edition. If you are a data analyst, data engineer, or data scientist, this book can offer you expert insight into: - The pandas type system, how it has evolved, and where it may be going - High performance I/O routines, for integration with other tools - Easily crafting effective visualizations, especially with libraries like Seaborn - Idiomatic routines to reshape, group, and organize your data - The use of pandas' time-series functionality to analyze real world datasets - Tips/tricks to write the clearest, most performant pandas code possible - The larger ecosystem that continues to evolve with and around pandas For those that already own the second edition, you will find the third edition updated with a wealth of new information. Much has changed in the past four years with how pandas works and how it fits into the ecosystem of analytics tools. This edition ensures you stay up to date with current best practices and can know how to write code that scales for years to come. Don't miss out on this updated resource designed to enhance your data skills. Pre-order your copy today! #python #pandas #datascience #dataengineering