Thank you for the opportunity to collaborate with Kids in Common on the SEW initiative. This initiative is in direct alignment with PACCC's mission to partner with families and regional agencies to provide and advocate for exceptional and accessible childhood education and care. We look forward to collaborating with you!
The Social Emotional Wellness (SEW) Initiative is a structured, data-driven initiative and 5-year action plan that collaboratively addresses the youth mental health crisis through three key pillars of work: Cultivating Caring Communities, Addressing Basic Needs, and Family and Community Education. The SEW Initiative is a workgroup of KIC’s Children’s Agenda, a data-driven, collective impact effort aimed at improving results for our community’s children and eliminating disparities across the life course framework. The SEW Initiative work groups meet once/month throughout the year to collaboratively develop and implement the scope of work for each pillar. ?Contact Kids in Common to learn more about how to join this work! Key partners of this group include:? Applied Survey Research, County of Santa Clara Behavioral Health Services, Bill Wilson Center, California Young World, City of San José, County of Santa Clara Office of Children and Families Policy, Excite Credit Union, FIRST 5 Santa Clara County, Grail Family Services (GFS), Groundwork Social Sector Consulting, Healthier Kids Foundation, KINGDOM FAMILY RESOURCES, Pacific Clinics, Palo Alto Community Child Care, Parents Helping Parents, Pivotal Ventures, County of Santa Clara Probation, Neighborhood Safety Services Unit (NSU), Project Safety Net,? County of Santa Clara Social Services Agency - DFCS, Santa Clara County Office of Education, Santa Clara Family Health Plan, SECOND HARVEST FOOD BANK OF SANTA CLARA & SN MATEO, San José Public Library, South County Youth Task Force, Stanford Children's Health | Lucile Packard Children's Hospital Stanford, Think Hopeful, Inc., Valley Health Plan, Youth liberation movement, YMCA Project Cornerstone