I used to wonder where all my money was going. Then I looked at my bank statements. Lunch here. Drive-thru there. A few dinners I didn’t think twice about. Eating out wasn’t the problem. It was how easy it was to ignore. Call it $20 for lunch, three times a week. That’s $60 a week. Add a date night for $150 to $200 once a week. Now we’re looking at $210 to $260 every week on food I didn’t plan for. Over the course of a year, that’s $10,000 to $13,000. It didn’t feel like much in the moment. But it added up fast. #Pallets work the same way. They’re not a priority until they’re a problem. And even then, the urgency can fade quickly. Someone reaches out because they’re short or overspending. We dig in. We find a better path. Then something shifts, and pallets fall off the list again. It makes sense. When bigger issues come up, it's easy to stop thinking about what you're paying for pallets. But the cost doesn’t stop. It just keeps building, quietly. Until one day, it’s too much to ignore. And that’s usually when they come back, ready to fix it. I’ve learned to be patient with that. PalletTrader founder, John Vaccaro, taught me that. One of the most grounded commercial leaders I’ve ever known. 40+ years in this business and never in a rush. He trusts the rhythm. Takes nothing personal. Stays present and lets people come back when they’re ready. Early on in retail, I was taught the opposite. If a customer walked, the deal was gone. So I pushed. Tried to close fast. Looking back, I probably rushed more people out the door than into a sale. Now I stay close, without pressure. Because when they’re ready, I’ll be here. Always.