Thank you Commonweal Ventures and Nate Loewentheil for the recognition as a top venture capital firm investing in the future and security of America. We are firmly committed to investing in companies that will be engines of innovation and secure our digital ecosystem. At Paladin, we remain steadfast in our goal to defend the critical infrastructure of America and its allies and promote digital safety and security.
Today, we are releasing *The AmTech 76* - a list of the 76 top venture capital firms investing in the future of America.?? ? America faces grand challenges: modernizing government, reindustrializing the economy, transforming healthcare, and defending our homeland.? ?? These markets share a distinguishing feature: start-ups in these sectors inevitably engage with government early in their journey, whether as a customer, regulator, or partner. We call this ecosystem #AmTech, short for American Tech.? ?? Why publish this list? Most of the 3,400 VC firms in the US are scared away by exposure to the public sector. But a select few recognize the potential for AmTech. This list is designed to help founders find VCs who understand the nuances of building companies that intersect with government.? ? Since we launched Commonweal three years ago, we've been excited to see more VCs join us in backing AmTech founders. The growth of this ecosystem benefits founders and investors alike. Many of the firms on this list have invested alongside us in companies like Crux, Pearl Edison, Advocate, Multitude Insights, and Proximity Health, like Andreessen Horowitz, Khosla Ventures, Lowercarbon Capital, LRVHealth, Alumni Ventures, New System Ventures, Overture Ventures, CIV, Calibrate Ventures, Ubiquity Ventures, and VSC Ventures,? 1121.VC, among others. Commonweal has a simple value prop: We understand government from the inside out and believe understanding government matters in markets shaped by public policy. Our team combines experienced investors with senior government officials, from cabinet members to mayors, to help you partner with the public sector and unlock value.?? ?? More to come as we explore the growing AmTech market! Katherine Boyle Jeff Jordan Peter Levine Martin Casado David Ulevitch Lauren Gross Ryan Petersen, Trae Stephens, Hemant Taneja, David Fialkow, Joel Cutler, Quentin Clark, Niko Bonatsos, Vinod Khosla, Samir Kaul, David Weiden, Keith Rabois, Sven Strohband, Josh Wolfe, Peter Hebert, Shahin Farshchi, Deena Shakir, Alex Kolicich