$350K in underpayments, from shift worker leave records lacking all the necessary data points. ?? Last week, I ran a poll to understand how teams are handling leave for shift workers. Poll responses were mixed, however issues with how leave is being recorded for shiftworkers is an issue repeatedly seen in remediation projects we've worked on. ?? The problem? Leave recorded by day or default times, not actual shift times. ?? The impact? Underpayments, missing shift penalties in leave pay. For example, a worker working their regular overnight shift from Friday to Saturday should get 17.5% extra pay until midnight and 50% extra until 6 AM. Instead, they were paid just the base rate plus 17.5% annual leave loading because the employer used a default 9am-5pm shift when calculating annual leave, missing a 50% Saturday penalty for 6 hours. This specific example was a disability support provider with over 1,000 employees and over a 6 year period this caused a $350k underpayment. If your shift workers earn penalties, record their exact shift times for leave, never default hours. #Payroll #PayrollCompliance #WageCompliance #PaidRight