Do you remember the first time you tried to pronounce the word a?aí? What about the first time you heard your 'crunchy friend' was homebrewing kombucha with some alien fungus called a SCOBY? (it was me, I was the crunchy friend ?? )
I've been studying trends of other international foods and bevs that have risen to prominence in the States in recent history. Think about it- just in the last couple of decades, foreign products like a?aí, kombucha, Sriracha, and matcha have each carved out billion-dollar industries by tapping into health trends, multicultural appeal, and a love for unique flavors.
Matcha provides an interesting comp to yerba mate. The green tea first gained traction in the U.S. in the early 2000s, driven by its reputation for high antioxidant content, natural energy boost, and ceremonial roots in Japanese culture. Over the past two decades, it has evolved from a niche health product to a mainstream beverage- a $2.6 billion U.S. market with an expected CAGR of 4.6% through 2030, cementing itself as a staple beyond the health-conscious consumer segment.
Yerba mate is another green tea with natural energy-boosting properties, antioxidants, and major cultural significance. It entered the US market positioned as a wellness-oriented beverage, and is projected to reach a U.S. market size of $2.9 billion by 2030 with a CAGR of 5.2%. That's without Pablo's in the market!
As consumer interest in health-conscious and energizing beverages continues to rise, yerba mate is poised to become as big (or bigger!) than matcha. So excited for Pablo's Mate to help shepherd in that era - to be the reason people know how to pronounce mate and drink it every day - with a beloved brand and product hitting shelves this fall.
#yerbamate #cpgstartup #seedstage #alchemyinacan Steven Bartkowski