Team-Noun-A number of persons associated together in work or activity.
Teamwork-Noun-Work done by a group acting together so that each member does a part that contributes to the efficiency of the whole.
Owen J. Folsom, Inc. declined to bid the Downeast Wind Project several times. We had only done one small portable project at the time. At the last minute a regular customer asked us to reconsider because they could not find a ready mixed concrete supplier to bid it. We reviewed the project and decided to submit a proposal. They were awarded the project. After a descoping interview, we were selected to supply the ready mixed concrete and the preparations began.
Friday our team completed the final concrete placement on this project in Columbia, ME. This project required 26,000+ cy of ready mixed concrete for 30 windmills with each spread footing needing 760 cy. Completing this project required a lot of teamwork due to an aggressive schedule and a remote location. Not every day was easy or went as planned, but our team members learned a lot and our company developed as a result of these challenges.
This is another case of I have a lot of crazy ideas but they are the ones that make it happen every day for our clients. The only reason I dare to have these crazy ideas let alone act on them, is the faith I have in our entire team and the knowledge that through their teamwork we can accomplish ANYTHING! This includes not only the team members who were on site producing and delivering the concrete but all of the people in the background supporting them. The aggregate production team that shared an operator. The administrative and IT support to this project. The quality team for developing the mix designs and ensuring everything stayed within specifications. The maintenance team getting equipment ready, set up, and keeping it running. The bulk transport team delivering if needed. All of the team members keeping our daily customers supplied while shorthanded on base placement days. Our entire team is AWESOME!
The successful completion of this project will lead to several other opportunities in the future. Thank you to all of our team members for their excellent team work to bring this project to completion. Some but unfortunately not all of them are in the pictures below. You should all be as proud as I am of all of you of what we accomplished through our teamwork!