As my sunburn fades, I am still feeling the glow in my heart from reuniting with former colleagues, making new connections, and hearing from changemakers providing access to education and working towards a more equitable world at the ASU+GSV Summit.
My top three highlights:
1) Deep listening interspersed with dancing at Big Picture Learning's annual Leadership Journeys event: As a TFA alum, I appreciated the vulnerability and honesty from Elisa Villanueva Beard about diversifying the corps. She spoke about a white donor’s audacity to approach her at a TFA event and question why it matters for corps member background to reflect those of their students. Her testimony is one small example of the huge extra emotional burden and labor placed on fundraisers of color to educate. I also loved hearing Carmita Semaan proclaim her background as an asset and describe her humbling early experiences as an executive, and I was completely charmed to hear Jeff Livingston describe how his grandmother raised him to hold women’s purses for them, get out of the way, and let them lead, and inspired to hear him describe times in his career when he has been able to make her proud (I even got to see it in action as he championed Elisa and Carmita throughout the evening).?In the pic below I am at the event behind the sunset with my amazing colleagues Kris Comeforo, Ed.L.D. and Justin D..
2) An exceptional panel discussion about balancing “double bottom lines” of mission-driven brands: Amir Nathoo shared’s origin story at the height of COVID-19 when all learners became homeschoolers overnight, and Arne Schepker of Babbel described the power of language to connect us. The panel was moderated by the wonderful Jessica Rolph of Lovevery who tied all of the pieces together beautifully about why mission-driven brands matter.?
3) Moving for equity: Just before heading to the airport I attended the LGBTQA reception and had the chance to engage in a dance lesson to the moves in “Straight Up” from the very best, Paula Abdul, after she proclaimed how much the gay community has meant to her throughout her career.?