???? 2013 y?l?ndan bu yana ?e?itli sebepler sonucu sekteye u?rayan ve 11 y?ll?k hasretten sonra bu y?l 2 Haziran 2024 tarihinde TASC ?nderli?inde düzenlenen Philadelphia Türk Günü Festivali’nde vatanda?lar?m?zla bulu?man?n mutlulu?u ve hakl? gururunu ya?amaktay?z. Festivalin konumu sebebiyle de Türk kültürümüzü, yemeklerimizi, ?ark?lar?m?z? ve en ?nemlisi ba?l?l???m?z? Amerikal? dostlar?m?za da g?sterme f?rsat? bulabildik. Bir?ok farkl? ?rk, din ve milletten binlerce ki?inin ilgi oda?? haline gelen festivalimiz, ?zbekistan, Kazakistan, Azerbaycan ve K?rg?zistan gibi Türk Cumhuriyetlerimizin de de?erli kat?l?mlar? ve co?kusuyla adeta bir ??len alan?na d?nü?tü. Ayr?ca festivalimize Türkiye New York Ba?konsolosumuz Reyhan ?zgür ve Philadelphia Belediye Meclisi Eski üyesi ve Belediye Ba?kan Aday? Türk toplumunun dostu Mr. David Oh da kat?l?m sa?lad?lar. Uzun y?llardan sonra Philadelphia’da b?ylesine geni? bir kat?l?m ile Türk diasporas?n?n bir araya geldi?i Türk Günü Festivalimize katk? sunan tüm payda?lar?m?za, Yurtd??? Türkler ve Akraba Topluluklar Ba?kanl??? 'na, tekrardan te?ekkür eder ve bu y?ldan sonra bu festivalin gelenekselle?erek büyüyece?ini gururla duyururuz. ???? We are proud and happy to have met with our citizens at the Philadelphia Turkish Day Festival, organized under the leadership of TASC on June 2, 2024, after an 11-year hiatus caused by various reasons since 2013. Due to the location of the festival, we had the opportunity to showcase our Turkish culture, food, songs, and most importantly, our loyalty to our American friends. Our festival, which has become the center of attention for thousands of people from different races, religions, and nationalities, turned into a festive area with the valuable participation and enthusiasm of our Turkic Republics such as Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, and Kyrgyzstan. Additionally, our festival was honored with the attendance of Turkey's New York Consul General Reyhan ?zgür and Mr. David Oh, a former Philadelphia City Council member and mayoral candidate, and a friend of the Turkish community. Many of our artists introduced our culture to our guests through their performances and songs. Our esteemed artist Ziynet Sali, who came from Turkey for the Turkish Day Festivals, created unforgettable moments with her concert at our festival. We extend our gratitude once again to all our stakeholders who contributed to our Turkish Day Festival, and YTB which brought together the Turkish diaspora with such a large participation in Philadelphia after many years. We proudly announce that this festival will grow and become a tradition in the coming years.