


Turkish American National Steering Committee


Our focus is on public education and advocacy programs that support Turkish-American civic empowerment and strong United States – Türkiye relations. TASC includes Turkish-American Community leaders, many of whom are also leaders in other Turkish-American organizations. TASC’s mission is to promote and amplify a united Turkish-American voice on issues that affect the Turkish-American community and United States-Turkish relations. TASC pools the resources of participating organizations for the common interests of the community. TASC coordinates the complementary capabilities of participating organizations.

51-200 人


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    1526 18th St

    Turkish House





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    ???? 2013 y?l?ndan bu yana ?e?itli sebepler sonucu sekteye u?rayan ve 11 y?ll?k hasretten sonra bu y?l 2 Haziran 2024 tarihinde TASC ?nderli?inde düzenlenen Philadelphia Türk Günü Festivali’nde vatanda?lar?m?zla bulu?man?n mutlulu?u ve hakl? gururunu ya?amaktay?z. Festivalin konumu sebebiyle de Türk kültürümüzü, yemeklerimizi, ?ark?lar?m?z? ve en ?nemlisi ba?l?l???m?z? Amerikal? dostlar?m?za da g?sterme f?rsat? bulabildik. Bir?ok farkl? ?rk, din ve milletten binlerce ki?inin ilgi oda?? haline gelen festivalimiz, ?zbekistan, Kazakistan, Azerbaycan ve K?rg?zistan gibi Türk Cumhuriyetlerimizin de de?erli kat?l?mlar? ve co?kusuyla adeta bir ??len alan?na d?nü?tü. Ayr?ca festivalimize Türkiye New York Ba?konsolosumuz Reyhan ?zgür ve Philadelphia Belediye Meclisi Eski üyesi ve Belediye Ba?kan Aday? Türk toplumunun dostu Mr. David Oh da kat?l?m sa?lad?lar. Uzun y?llardan sonra Philadelphia’da b?ylesine geni? bir kat?l?m ile Türk diasporas?n?n bir araya geldi?i Türk Günü Festivalimize katk? sunan tüm payda?lar?m?za, Yurtd??? Türkler ve Akraba Topluluklar Ba?kanl??? 'na, tekrardan te?ekkür eder ve bu y?ldan sonra bu festivalin gelenekselle?erek büyüyece?ini gururla duyururuz. ???? We are proud and happy to have met with our citizens at the Philadelphia Turkish Day Festival, organized under the leadership of TASC on June 2, 2024, after an 11-year hiatus caused by various reasons since 2013. Due to the location of the festival, we had the opportunity to showcase our Turkish culture, food, songs, and most importantly, our loyalty to our American friends. Our festival, which has become the center of attention for thousands of people from different races, religions, and nationalities, turned into a festive area with the valuable participation and enthusiasm of our Turkic Republics such as Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, and Kyrgyzstan. Additionally, our festival was honored with the attendance of Turkey's New York Consul General Reyhan ?zgür and Mr. David Oh, a former Philadelphia City Council member and mayoral candidate, and a friend of the Turkish community. Many of our artists introduced our culture to our guests through their performances and songs. Our esteemed artist Ziynet Sali, who came from Turkey for the Turkish Day Festivals, created unforgettable moments with her concert at our festival. We extend our gratitude once again to all our stakeholders who contributed to our Turkish Day Festival, and YTB which brought together the Turkish diaspora with such a large participation in Philadelphia after many years. We proudly announce that this festival will grow and become a tradition in the coming years.

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    ???? TASC olarak Say?n TASC Ba?kan? Avukat Seyit ?ahin’in ?ncülü?ünde, sayg?de?er i? insanlar?m?z?n katk?lar?yla New Jersey’de bu y?l 1 Haziran 2024 tarihinde 16.s? düzenlenen Türk Günü Festivali’ni yapm?? olman?n hakl? gururunu ya?amaktay?z. ürk Günü Festivali her y?l artarak devam eden co?kusuyla, kapsay?c?l???yla ayn? gaye ve ?uur ile devam edecektir. 16.? Türk Günü Festivali’nin ger?ekle?mesinde eme?i ge?en tüm g?nüllülerimize, sponsorlar?m?za, organizasyon ekibimize, Paterson Clifton Turkish American Day Parade & Festival Komitesi Ba?kan? ?mer Demircan’a, sanat??m?z Ziynet Sali ve sunucumuz Wilma Elles’in yan? s?ra festivalde sahne alan tüm sanat??lar?m?za, kat?l?mlar?yla bizleri onurland?ran Yurtd??? Türkler ve Akraba Topluluklar Ba?kanl???’na, Birle?mi? Milletler Türkiye Daimi Temsilcimiz Ahmet Y?ld?z ve New York Ba?konsolosumuz Reyhan ?zgür’e, Paterson Belediye Ba?kan? Andrea Sayegh’e, STK temsilcilerine, Türk i? insanlar?m?za, Türk Amerikan Sanat Toplulu?u’na ve tüm sanat??lar?m?za ve konuklar?m?za ayr?ca te?ekkürlerimizi iletiriz. Hep birlikte g?sterdi?imiz bu ?aba ve i? birli?i sayesinde, TASC Türk Amerikan Ulusal Y?nlendirme Komitesi olarak “Gü?lü Diaspora Gü?lü Türkiye” anlay???m?z ile Amerika’daki Türk toplumunun gü?lenmesi ve birli?i i?in faaliyetlerimize daha heyecanl? ve co?kulu olarak devam edece?iz. ???? As TASC, under the leadership of esteemed TASC President Attorney Seyit ?ahin, and with the contributions of our distinguished businesspeople, we are proud to have organized the 16th Turkish Day Festival in New Jersey on June 1, 2024. With the participation of thousands of Turks, our festival facilitated the gathering and strengthening of the Turkish diaspora in America, providing our new generations, children, and young people the opportunity to learn about and experience their culture. The Turkish Day Festival will continue with the same enthusiasm and inclusiveness each year, maintaining its spirit and purpose. We extend our gratitude to all our volunteers, sponsors, organization team, Paterson Clifton Turkish American Day Parade & Festival Committee Chairman ?mer Demircan, our artist Ziynet Sali, our host Wilma Elles, all the artists who performed at the festival, our Permanent Representative of Türkiye to the United Nations Ahmet Y?ld?z, our New York Consul General Reyhan ?zgür, Paterson Mayor Andrea Sayegh, NGO representatives, Turkish businessmen, the Turkish American Arts Community, and all our guests and participants who honored us with their presence. Thanks to this collective effort and cooperation, as TASC, the Turkish American National Steering Committee, we will continue our activities with greater excitement and enthusiasm, embodying our understanding of “Strong Diaspora, Strong Türkiye,” for the strengthening and unity of the Turkish community in America.

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    TASC taraf?ndan ger?ekle?tirilen ve büyük bir co?ku ile kutlanan Türk Günü Balosu’na kat?l?m?n?z ve deste?iniz i?in en i?ten te?ekkürlerimizi sunar?z. Sanatlar?n? bizlerle payla?arak gecemizi güzelle?tiren sanat??m?z Ziynet Sali ve de?erli sunucumuz Wilma Elles ba?ta olmak üzere sanat??lar?m?z Cem Tar?m, New York Gypsy All Stars Orkestras?, Volkan K?r?ml?o?lu, U?ur Can Kurt, ?lhan Sefil ve Melih Akcay’a yürekten te?ekkür ederiz. Sanat??lar?m?z?n sahne performanslar?, bu geceyi unutulmaz k?larak toplulu?umuz aras?ndaki ba?lar? gü?lendirdi. Bu muhte?em gecenin ger?ekle?mesinde eme?i ge?en tüm g?nüllülerimize, sponsorlar?m?za, organizasyon ekibimize, Paterson Clifton Turkish American Day Parade & Festival Komitesi Ba?kan? ?mer Demircan’a ve kat?l?mlar?yla bizleri onurland?ran de?erli devlet insanlar?m?za, sivil toplum kurulu?lar? liderlerimize, i? insanlar?m?za ve tüm konuklar?m?za ayr?ca te?ekkürlerimizi iletiriz. Gecede Türk Amerikan toplumuna olan katk?lar?ndan dolay? te?ekkür plaketi alan, New York Ba?konsolosumuz Say?n Reyhan ?zgür, Rüya Avc?, Eyüp Ulu, Murat Gezercan ve ?brahim Mazman’a tekrar te?ekkür edip kendilerini bir kez daha tebrik ederiz. Hep birlikte g?sterdi?imiz bu ?aba ve i? birli?i sayesinde, Türk-Amerikan toplumu olarak bir kez daha gü?lü ve birlik i?inde oldu?umuzu g?sterdik. Gelecek etkinliklerde yeniden bir araya gelmeyi ve kültürel miras?m?z? kutlamay? d?rt g?zle bekliyoruz. Bu ?zel gecede bizlerle birlikte olan her bir kat?l?mc?m?z?n, gecemize de?er katt???n? belirtmek isteriz. ???? Sayg?lar?m?zla, Türk Amerikan Ulusal Y?nlendirme Komitesi

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    ????Bugün TASC Ba?kan?m?z Seyit ?ahin ve y?netim kurulu üyelerimiz ?srafil Demir ve Nevin Bak?r ile birlikte, Birle?mi? Milletler nezdinde Türkiye Daimi Temsilcimiz Büyükel?i Ahmet Y?ld?z’? makam?nda ziyaret ettik. TASC’?n faaliyetleri hakk?nda bilgi payla?arak, ?ok verimli ve ilham verici g?rü?meler ger?ekle?tirdik. Nazik ev sahipli?i ve misafirperverli?i i?in Say?n Büyükel?imize sonsuz te?ekkürlerimizi sunuyoruz. Birlikte ?al??arak daha gü?lü bir gelece?e ad?m ataca??m?za inan?yoruz! ????TASC Chair Seyit Sahin and TASC board members ?srafil Demir and Nevin Bakir visited Turkiye’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Ambassador Ahmet Yildiz, at his office. We shared information about TASC’s activities and had very productive and inspiring discussions. We extend our deepest gratitude to the Ambassador for his kind hospitality. We believe that by working together, we will step into a stronger future!

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    You are cordially invited to the New Jersey Turkish Day Festival! We are delighted to invite the entire Turkish American community and our American friends to the Turkish Day Festival, which will be held on June 1 at New Jersey Memorial Park. On this special day, we will celebrate our culture, music, dances, and culinary delights together. The festival will feature performances by our renowned artist Ziynet Sali and many other esteemed artists. The event will be hosted by actress Wilma Elles. Join us to experience our rich culture with delicious Turkish cuisine, entertaining activities, and more, and share this unforgettable day with us. It will bring us great joy to welcome friends from all over the world and our American friends among us.

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    ???? Türk Amerikan Ulusal Y?nlendirme Komitesi Ba?kan? Seyit ?ahin Chicago Türk Festivali’ne TASC’? temsilen kat?larak a??l?? konu?mas?n? yapt?. TASC olarak Festivalin düzenlenmesinde büyük emekleri olan ZAKAT Foundation Ba?kan? Halil Demir ve Chicago Ba?konsolosu Engin Türesin ile birlikte bu anlaml? etkinlikte yer ald?k. Organizasyonun ba?ar?s?na katk?da bulunan tüm kat?l?mc?lara ve destek?ilere en i?ten te?ekkürlerimizi sunar?z. Festivalin, Türk kültürünü tan?tma ve topluluklar?m?z aras?ndaki ba?? gü?lendirme a??s?ndan ?nemli bir rol oynad???na inan?yoruz. ???? Seyit Sahin, Chairman of the Turkish American National Steering Committee, represented TASC and delivered the opening speech at the Chicago Turkish Festival. As TASC, we had the privilege of participating in this meaningful event alongside ZAKAT Foundation President Halil Demir and Chicago Consul General Engin Turesin, who played significant roles in organizing the festival. We extend our heartfelt thanks to all participants and supporters who contributed to the success of the event. We believe that the festival plays an important role in promoting Turkish culture and strengthening the bond between our communities.

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    ???? Türk-Amerikan Ulusal Y?nlendirme Komitesi (TASC) ve Müstakil Sanayici ve ?? Adamlar? Derne?i (MüS?AD) aras?nda ABD’deki Türk diasporas?n?n gü?lendirilmesi, sosyal ve ticari faaliyetlerin art?r?lmas? amac?yla imzalanan mutabakat zapt?n? büyük bir memnuniyet ve takdirle bildirmek isteriz. Bu k?ymetli i?birli?inin her iki taraf i?in de hay?rl? olmas?n? temenni ediyoruz. Türk Amerikan diasporas?n?n birli?ini ve dayan??mas?n? peki?tirece?ine, ihracata ve i? insanlar?m?z?n ba?ar?s?na ?nemli katk?lar sa?layaca??na eminiz. S?z konusu mutabakat?n, ticari ve sosyal alanlarda yeni f?rsatlar yarataca?? ve iki ülke aras?ndaki ekonomik ili?kileri daha da gü?lendirece?i kanaatindeyiz. TASC E?ba?kan? Seyit ?ahin ve MüS?AD Genel Ba?kan? Mahmut Asmal?’ya te?ekkürlerimizi sunar, gelecekte de benzer i?birliklerinin devam etmesini ve daha gü?lü ba?lar?n kurulmas?n? dileriz. ???? We would like to announce with great pleasure and appreciation the memorandum signed between the Turkish-American National Steering Committee (TASC) and the Independent Industrialists’ and Businessmen’s Association (MUSIAD) with the aim of strengthening the Turkish diaspora in the United States and increasing social and commercial activities. We hope that this valuable cooperation will be beneficial for both parties. We are confident that this agreement will enhance the unity and solidarity of the Turkish American diaspora, contribute significantly to exports and the success of our businesspeople. We believe that this memorandum will create new opportunities in commercial and social fields and further strengthen the economic relations between the two countries. We extend our thanks to TASC Co-Chair Seyit Sahib and MUSIAD President Mahmut Asmal?, and we hope that similar collaborations will continue in the future and that stronger ties will be established. MüS?AD MUSIAD USA Mahmut Asmal?

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    ????TASC ve MüS?AD ortakl???nda düzenledi?imiz ‘’?hracat ve Diaspora’da Gelece?in 100’leri’’ ?dül t?reninde, diasporam?z?n de?erli i? insanlar? bugüne kadar yapt?klar? i?ler ve elde ettikleri ba?ar?larla toplumumuza sa?lad?klar? katk?lar nedeniyle ?düllerini ald?lar. Hep birlikte Türkiye’nin gelece?ine dair umutlar?m?z? ve beklentilerimizi payla?t???m?z ve diasporam?zdaki i? insanlar?n?n emeklerini ve ba?ar?lar?n? takdir etmek amac?yla bir araya geldi?imiz bu ?zel gecede bizlere kat?ld???n?z i?in TASC E?ba?kan? Seyit ?ahin, Müsiad Ba?kan? Mahmut Asmal? ve Musiad USA Ba?kan? Yavuz Orta nezdinde, Türkiye’den kat?l?m sa?layan misafirlerimize, tüm Türk Amerikan toplumumuza, t?renimize ev sahipli?i yapan New York Ba?konsoloslu?u’muza ve Ba?kansolosumuz Reyhan ?zgüre te?ekkürlerimizi sunar?z. T?renimizde ?dül alan i? insanlar?m?z Seyit ?ahin, Tayfun Selen, Derya Ta?k?n, Reyhan ?zgür, Murat Güzel ve Muhammet Fatih Toprak’a diasporam?za olan katk?lar?ndan dolay? minnettarl???m?z? ifade etmek ve tüm diaspora toplulu?u ad?na bir kez daha te?ekkür etmek istiyoruz. Diaporam?z i?in büyük anlam? olan bu unutulmaz gecede birlikte olmak ve birli?imizi peki?tirmek bizler i?in son derece ?nemliydi. ????At the "Faces of the Future in Export and Diaspora" award ceremony organized in collaboration with TASC and MUSIAD, esteemed businesspeople from our diaspora received awards for their contributions to our community through their work and achievements. At this special event where we came together to share our hopes and expectations for Turkiye's future and to appreciate the efforts and successes of businesspeople in our diaspora, we would like to extend our thanks to our guests from Turkey, to the entire Turkish American community, to the New York Consulate General that hosted our ceremony, and to our Consul General Reyhan Ozgur, on behalf of the presidents of TASC and MüS?AD. We want to express our gratitude to Seyit Sahin, Tayfun Selen, Derya Taskin, Reyhan Ozgur, Murat Guzel, and Muhammet Fatih Toprak, who received awards at our ceremony, for their contributions to our diaspora and to once again thank them on behalf of the entire diaspora community. Being together and strengthening our unity on this unforgettable night, which holds great significance for our diaspora, was extremely important for us.

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    ???? Gazi Mustafa Kemal Atatürk’ü, Kurtulu? Sava??m?z?n tüm kahramanlar?n? rahmetle ve sayg?yla an?yoruz. 19 May?s Atatürk’ü Anma, Gen?lik ve Spor Bayram?m?z kutlu olsun. ???? We commemorate Gazi Mustafa Kemal Atatürk and all the heroes of our War of Independence with reverence and respect. Happy May 19th, th Commemoration of Atatürk, Youth and Sports Day.

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    ???? K?r?m Tatar Türkleri soyda?lar?m?z?n anavatanlar? K?r?m’dan sürgün edili?lerinin 80. y?l d?nümünde , dernek binas?nda düzenlenen anma program? ard?ndan Times Meydan?’nda Ukrayna diasporas?n?n da kat?l?mlar? ile bas?n a??klamas? düzenledik. ???? On the 80th anniversary of the deportation of our Crimean Tatar Turks from their homeland Crimea, we held a press conference at Times Square with the participation of the Ukrainian diaspora following the commemoration program.

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