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SHOUT-OUT to Seattle Housing Authority for their partnership with Democracy Cup 2024! Their commitment to their communities encouraging voting includes a 10/17 voting registration fair at: * High Point: Upton Flats Community Room (6070 35th Ave. SW) * New Holly: New Holly Gathering Hall (7054 32nd?Ave S) * Rainier Vista: Snoqualmie Community Room (2917 S Snoqualmie Street) * Yesler Terrace: Hinoki Community Room (110 10th?Ave S) * Lake City Court: Lake City Court Community Room (12536 33rd?Ave N) This is in partnership with Urban League of Metropolitan Seattle, Refugee Women’s Alliance, and League of Women Voters. People can register to vote, check and/or update their registration, find election information, ask questions and play games to build civic knowledge. Seattle Housing Authority have used our content at www.democracycup.com in social media, on their website, and in communications to their communities. Thank you for helping us GET OUT THE VOTE!