??Orange partners with OpenAI, Meta to develop custom African-language AI models?? Hello everyone, At Orange, we believe that any innovation must be inclusive and beneficial to all, that’s why we are announcing an initiative aimed at bridging the digital divide in Africa. By developing AI models capable of understanding and speaking regional languages such as Wolof and Pulaar, we are facilitating access to essential services for millions of people. We go one step further to digital inclusion in Africa! This innovation will enable natural communication for customer support and sales, while making these models open-source for non-commercial uses such as health and education. By collaborating with local startups and technology companies, we are stimulating innovation and promoting digital inclusion. A great news for this day 1 of the #OpenTech Orange Christel Heydemann Aliette Mousnier-Lompré Jér?me Hénique Micha?l Trabbia