Thanks to everyone who supported and attended the inaugural Community Entrepreneurship Showcase! The showcase featured area middle and high school students as well as graduates of the first cohort of the Breakthrough Community Business Academy working to develop their businesses locally. Middle school students and high school students each participated in workshops at the De La Vega Innovation Lab at the Northern Illinois University College of Business in advance of the showcase. The middle school workshops focused on helping students learn how to communicate and pitch an idea they had, while the high school workshop put students in the role of investor and helped them serve as judges at the showcase. Prize money was awarded to selected students. Thank you to program partners that included the NIU College of Business, Youth Engaged in Philanthropy (YEP) through the DeKalb County Community Foundation, and Project HOPE for hosting and supporting. We also want to thank the NIU STEAM program for their input and feedback as the program developed as well as all who helped promote the opportunity, including the DeKalb School District. We are excited to see how this program and others focused on entrepreneurship emerge and grow as our work on Breakthrough Business continues!