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OPMAS - EU import and admission of aircraft

OPMAS - EU import and admission of aircraft


Leading experts in EU importation and admission issues for aircraft owners and operators.


At OPMAS, we have dealt with aircraft customs handling for more than two decades. This is the only service we provide. We are not involved in financing, offshore tax structures, tax planning or yachting etc. Over these last 20 years, we have learned that long-term local presence and knowhow are essential when it comes to aircraft importation and admission in order to avoid unpleasant surprises. Our experienced acquired knowledge and strong and invaluable handling with the Danish authorities ensure a smooth handling process. Denmark as a jurisdiction Denmark has the very best reputation both within the EU and worldwide. Denmark is further number one on the Transparency List over the least corrupt nations in the world. We are known always to implement all EU-directives promptly and 100% by the book without ANY bending of the rules in favour of local companies. Denmark is the only member state involved in aircraft importation or admission, which is not considered a tax haven. Qualifications and experience We have an extensive legal, aviation and administrative background. Our founder and CEO, Lasse Rungholm, is an aviation lawyer (L) and commercial airline pilot (ATPL, EASA and FAA) with more than 20 years of experience in these fields. Denmark has been the member state of choice for these procedures for a long time and our local presence and detailed knowledge of the systems mean that any proposed change in legislation can be easily detected and implemented. We are not strangers setting up shop in a foreign jurisdiction. We know that one of our strongest assets is our extensive local knowledge and long experience working with the authorities. We are a FULL-SERVICE provider – with no exceptions – and we will support you in any situation. You will never walk alone. Please, contact us regarding your situation – we will advise you of the best solution for our situation and needs. For more information go to: www.opmas.dk

2-10 人
Aarhus /EKAH
Corporate and commercial flying in the EU、Temporary Admission、Aircraft importation和Aircraft exportation


OPMAS - EU import and admission of aircraft员工

