Steven Diamante is a Technical Agile Coach in Raleigh NC. When I saw that he bought a ticket to #AONW, I was curious. Having never been to the conference, I was excited to hear what drew him to this years #AONW ==================================================== "Why would you fly across the country to attend Agile Open Northwest? I've heard people talking about how great Agile Open Northwest is for years and I want to be a part of it. I want to learn from experienced crafters and see how they are using the latest practices for developing software. I want to get more hands-on experience with mobbing from people who have been doing it for years. I want to meet my "online" crafter friends that I've been talking to for years! I'm going to Agile Open Northwest to reignite the passion I have for software engineering and share that knowledge with others." ===================================================== We're excited to have you join us Steven! You can join us too. There are still tickets available (although we're filling up with amazing people). Visit to get your ticket today!
We believe that inspired behavior can be an everyday experience and that humanity is limited by its perceptions of the possible. The OSI-US was created to grow that sense of possibility and make it a reality by focusing on: learning, research and practice. Open Space and the Open Space Institute mean different things to different people. Furthermore they each continue to evolve. Since both are highly fluid and dynamic, as you read these notes on why the Open Space Institute(US) exists and what it does, it is undoubtedly changing. As a result and reflection of this, the Institute webpage and the rest of the work of the Open Space Institute(US) is a continuing work in progress. The Open Space Institute(US) holds space for Open Space. Open Space Institute(US) serves by: Providing access to resources on Open Space, Connecting individuals and groups to inform, inspire, mentor, and sustain each other in opening and holding space, AND Being an inclusive learning community
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I was honored to have helped hold the space today and yesterday at the annual Peace and High Performance event, sponsored by Open Space Institute - US - here are some snapshots... Special thanks to Harold Shinsato Susan Liao ???? ??and April Jefferson “Soul Craftswoman”for their integral part in the design, construction and delivery of the event. You can still join in! The final circle of the event opens at 8:00 PM US EST with a mingle before. All you need to do is register at
Enjoyed meeting collegues from all over the globe exploring The Practice of Peace and High Performance - all happening in Open Space of course. I hope the next time zone was as fulfilling! Thanks Harold Shinsato, ??Rijon Erickson??. Suzanne Daigle and others who made this possible and everyone who took part sharing and learning together.
TR: 2024 y?l? benim i?in ?zel bir anlam ta??yordu: WOSONOS 2024 ?stanbul. Sponsorlar?m?z?n ve uluslararas? dayan??man?n deste?iyle, A??k Alan Teknolojisi'nin (Open Space Technology) dünya bulu?mas?n? ilk kez ?stanbul'da ger?ekle?tirdik. Bu etkinlik, yo?un bir emek ve kararl?l?kla haz?rland? ve diyalog arac?l???yla birlikteli?in mümkün oldu?unu g?steren bir umut ????? b?rakt?. Kat?l?mc? ve demokratik bir ya?am?n, derin meseleleri ele al?rken ayn? zamanda dans etmeyi, oyun oynamay? ve co?kulu anlar? payla?may? mümkün k?labilece?ini deneyimledik. Bu süre?, yaln?zca bir organizasyon de?il, ayn? zamanda gelece?e dair ortak bir vizyon olu?turman?n ve kolektif bir ruhla hareket etmenin d?nü?türücü gücünü bizlere bir kez daha hat?rlatt?. ENG: The year 2024 held a profound meaning for me: WOSONOS 2024 Istanbul. With the support of our sponsors and the strength of international solidarity, we hosted the global gathering of Open Space Technology in Istanbul for the very first time. This event, prepared with great effort and dedication, left a beacon of hope, showing that unity through dialogue is possible. We experienced how a participatory and democratic way of life can enable us to delve into profound topics while also dancing, playing, and sharing joyful moments. This journey was not just an event but a transformative reminder of the power of creating a shared vision for the future and acting with a collective spirit. Ye?im Karayel Bike Kü?ük Sule Senol Eylem ?nal ?ahin MT Portf?y Y?netimi A.? B?OTREND ?evre ve Enerji Yat?r?mlar? A.?. Open Space Institute - US #wosonos2024istanbul #openspacetechnology #acikalanteknolojisi #katilimcikararalma #participatorydecisionmaking #participatorydemocracy #selforganization #yatayhiyerar?i
World Open Space on Open Space 2024 ?stanbul
You are invited to an event - Honoring Harrison Owen ~ a community comes together... "Camden by the Sea, Virtually and Globally" A LOVE Message from Harrison Owen From Suzanne Daigle: Open Space helped me wear my heart on my sleeve, instead of hiding or repressing it. Little wonder that I fell madly in love with Open Space in 2009.? Perhaps not surprising that this past January, shortly after the Peace and High Performance gathering where he spoke so beautifully, Harrison called me asking that I extend a message from him upon his death.? I transcribed our conversation after we spoke, planning to share it on April 8th. Suddenly today as we look forward to being together, I find myself pulled to speak his words now. ?“When that happens, he said, I’d like you to go on the OS list (our Open Space community listserv, decades old) or wherever to tell everyone”: How much I love them!! And that I’ve had a good life. Here an excerpt of what I wrote to myself after that poignant conversation: “In that moment, the magnitude of his words seemed to hang in the air. I could feel his deep love for all of us. I knew that he felt our love for him too. Our conversation continued, as natural as could be, more precious than words could ever describe. He spoke of endings and new beginnings, familiar subject matter to his recent talks, written and spoken — most recently expressed at the January 2024 annual gathering of “Opening Space for Peace and High Performance”. Here the link to his last talk to us at the annual gathering held during or close to the Martin Luther King Holiday. At the end, Audrey Hepburn from China spoke for all of us when she said: “I love you, Harrison.”? His voice broke and we could feel his deep emotion. It's what I also felt when he called me on January 17th at 11 am. Hopefully you can join us on April 8th, to share your stories of Open Space and times with Harrison. Gentle, informal, and intimate, what better way to honor him and his storytelling. Soon it will be our turn to share stories~ about him and our times in Open Space. A link to the original invitation - which also contains the Zoom link to the event - is below. See also the posting on the "Open Space Technology" Facebook page with this same message and photos of Harrison at a precious Wave Rider gathering in Orillia Ontario from 2009 hosted by Larry Peterson.
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