The normal pace of business can be challenging for leaders. Not withstanding, when the intensity of economic uncertainties are imbued by political realities. Onyx Strategic Partners, LLC would like to thank Keiana Barrett Business Leadership Council Karen Freeman-Wilson Chicago Urban League NAACP Carl West Tonya Trice South Shore Chamber of Commerce for hosting an important discussion with a host of African American business leaders. What a powerful and encouraging panel discussion including Kam Buckner Kenya K. Merritt Dorothy Tucker Jonathan L. Jackson @Danny Davis Kwame Raoul Toni Preckwinkle The economic impact of Black businesses to the American economy is monumental. It was great seeing other leaders Norman Livingston Kerr carol adams Kenneth Hughes Jr. Cheryl Grace Charles Smith Melinda Kelly Chatham Business Association, SBDI Malia Beal Wynona Redmond Paris Thomas, PhD Equal Hope #businessdevelopment #accesstocapital #equity Remel Terry Claude Robinson