Proud to see our COO Connie Chang paying it forward—guiding and inspiring the next generation of life science innovators!
On Wednesday we had our third MBVF lecture with guest speaker Connie Chang from ONL Therapeutics. She gave a great talk on the "Power of Choice: Integrating Big Pharma, Small Biotech, and Academic Research," clarifying the skills and perspectives needed in different size organizations and how to navigate career changes. Thank you to Michigan Biomedical Venture Fund for once again partnering with Nucleate to provide the food. The last lecture of this series will be on December 4th, with more information to come. Interested in venture capital and gaining hands on experience? The deadline to apply for the Nucleate Michigan x MBVF Venture Capital fellowship is today! As a Fellow, you’ll: - Generate technology landscaping reports in a defined target area - Explore a subsection of innovation at the University of Michigan - Work alongside MBVF experts in due diligence, gaining key venture capital insights ?? Apply to the Nucleate X MBVF Venture Fellowship here: