?? El proyecto “Voluntariado Digital”: ejemplo global de innovación en servicios públicos - English ??
La OECD - OCDE ha destacado el proyecto “Voluntariado Digital” del Ayuntamiento de Madrid en su informe “Global Trends in Government Innovation 2024: Fostering human-centric public services” (https://lnkd.in/dHbx3vjW). Este informe, elaborado por el Observatorio de Innovación Pública (OPSI) de la OCDE, identifica iniciativas que transforman los servicios públicos a escala global.
El proyecto, enmarcado en la Estrategia de Transformación Digital “Madrid, Capital Digital”, tiene como objetivo reducir la brecha digital y fomentar la inclusión tecnológica mediante:
? Talleres para fortalecer competencias digitales y mejorar la accesibilidad
? Colaboración con mayores y colectivos vulnerables para facilitar el uso de servicios municipales
? Capacitación digital, promoviendo sistemas seguros para realizar trámites electrónicos
Datos relevantes:
? 20.000 voluntarios activos en el programa de “Voluntarios por Madrid”
? Servicios dirigidos a unos 600.000 mayores de 65 a?os en Madrid
El reconocimiento subraya el compromiso de Madrid con servicios públicos inclusivos y humanos, consolidando su visión de una ciudad conectada.
El Ayuntamiento agradece a la OCDE la distinción, así como a todos los implicados, especialmente al área de Políticas Sociales, Familia e Igualdad; #VoluntariosporMadrid, #IAM, Emancipatic, Somos Digital y la Plataforma de Mayores y Pensionistas, cuya colaboración ha sido fundamental.
?? The project “Voluntariado Digital”: a global reference in innovation for public services
The OECD - OCDE has highlighted Madrid City Council’s "Voluntariado Digital" project in its report “Global Trends in Government Innovation 2024: Fostering human-centric public services” (https://lnkd.in/dHbx3vjW). This report, produced by the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI), showcases initiatives transforming public services worldwide.
The project, part of Madrid’s Digital Transformation Strategy “Madrid, Capital Digital”, aims to bridge the digital gap and promote technological inclusion through:
? Workshops to strengthen digital skills and improve accessibility
? Collaboration with the elderly and vulnerable groups to enhance access to municipal services
? Training in secure systems for simple, efficient electronic processes
Key Data:
? 20,000 active volunteers in the “Voluntarios por Madrid” program.
? Services aimed at approximately 600,000 people over the age of 65 in Madrid
This recognition underscores Madrid City Council’s commitment to fostering inclusive, accessible, and human-centric public services, aligned with its vision of a connected city.
Madrid City Council thanks the OECD for the recognition, as well as everyone involved, especially the Area of Social Policy, Families and Equality; and #VoluntariosporMadrid, #IAM, Emancipatic, Somos Digital, and the Platform of Seniors and Pensioners, for their essential contributions.
?? OECD report highlights 5 #innovation trends in #PublicServices, drawn from nearly 800 cases across 83 countries. ?? Public services are the main touchpoints between governments and people. As societies change, so do the expectations placed on public services, prompting governments to find innovative ways to meet these evolving needs.
It describes pioneering practices that demonstrate governments’ commitment to promoting principles of human-centred innovation of public services, as put forward by the OECD Recommendation on Human-centred Public Administrative Services. These cases reflect a shared understanding that effective public services must not only be efficient but also inclusive, accessible and adaptable to people’s needs. It is these very qualities which impact lives, business competitiveness and social prosperity, and shape trust in public institutions.
Download report ?? https://lnkd.in/dP24kD67
Five trends in innovation for better public services:
1. Future-oriented & co-created ?? Governments are working with users and stakeholders to co-design solutions and anticipate future needs, creating public services that are flexible and responsive to change, and are therefore more resilient and sustainable in the long term. Standout cases from ???? Finland, ???? Ireland, ???? Norway, & ???? USA
2. Digital & innovative ?? Governments are investing in scalable digital infrastructure, experimenting with emergent technologies, and expanding innovative and digital skills. Standout cases from ???? Greece, ???? India, ???? Italy, ???? Portugal & ???? SouthKorea.
3. Accessible & inclusive ?? Governments are advancing proactive and personalised services for increased accessibility, inclusion, and equity. Standout cases from ???? Serbia, ???? Sweden & ???? USA
4. Data powered ?? Governments are using both traditional and non-traditional data sources to guide public service design, implementation, and improvements. They are increasingly using experimentation to navigate complex and unpredictable environments. Standout cases from ???? Singapore, ???? South Korea, ???? Türkiye & ???? UK
5. Public participation ?? Governments are seeing public services as an opportunity for citizens to exercise their rights and hold governments accountable for upholding democratic values. Standout cases from ???? Australia, ???? France & ???? Spain
#PublicServiceInnovation #PublicSectorInnovation
Bruno Monteiro, Jo?o Lopes, Simone Maria Parazzoli, Claire Karle, Carlos Santiso, Marco Daglio, OECD Public Governance