Oesterreichische Entwicklungsbank AG - OeEB的封面图片
Oesterreichische Entwicklungsbank AG - OeEB

Oesterreichische Entwicklungsbank AG - OeEB


Wien,Wien 5,997 位关注者

Financing our shared future.


Die OeEB - Oesterreichische Entwicklungsbank AG ist die Entwicklungsbank der Republik ?sterreich. Wir finanzieren Investitionen privater Unternehmen in Entwicklungs- und Schwellenl?ndern. Wir vergeben Kredite zu marktnahen Konditionen, stellen Kapital bereit und verst?rken mit projektbezogenen Programmen die entwicklungspolitische Wirkung unserer Projekte.

51-200 人
Entwicklungsfinanzierung、Privatsektor-Entwicklung、Private Equity和Investitionsfinanzierung


Oesterreichische Entwicklungsbank AG - OeEB员工


  • Toilet paper, kitchen rolls, tissues - these are not the only products from Drenik ND that are indispensable in many European households. And the Serbian company still has a lot planned. This is exactly what we are now supporting. The focus is on setting up renewable energy systems and also more independence from gas. With the installation of a rooftop PV system, 97% of the annual electricity requirement is to be generated in-house in the future. ?? ? ?? Clemens Stadler was recently on site in Belgrade and we signed shortly thereafter a bilateral credit line of 25 million euros with Drenik. With a term of up to 10 years, this will be used for production investments, renewable energy and environmental measures such as energy efficiency and emission reduction. Thanks to our deal team who made this cooperation possible ??: Josef Robert Straninger, Kirstin Hüttenrauch, Zarko Kukrkic, Martin Edthofer, Doris Supanz, Gerda Brazda, Aldina Sorlija, Florian Meister, Susanne Boesch, Kristin Duchateau and Sophie-Marie Hofer! #energy #climatefinance #sustainability

    • Clemens Stadler and Igor Peric shaking hands
  • We are happy to share exciting news! ?? We invested, on behalf of the Austrian Ministry of Finance, a total amount of USD 5.8 million in Evolution III, a climate fund in Africa with the aim of avoiding and reducing C02 emissions. Evolution III is a Mauritius-based sustainable climate fund focusing on renewable energy infrastructure, energy efficiency and other climate-relevant sectors in Sub-Saharan Africa and selected North African countries. Managed by Inspired Evolution, a fund manager with extensive experience in the region, the company has been a pioneer in climate finance since launching its first fund in 2008. ?? The fund plans to allocate around 60% of its investments to clean energy infrastructure projects, including grid-connected and off-grid solutions, 30% to energy and resource efficiency companies and 10% to climate tech innovations like e-mobility and smart grids. We are proud to support Evolution III in driving sustainable development and advancing climate solutions in Africa. ?? Many thanks for their commitment and congratulations to the deal team: Lisa Jagereder-Gschaider, Anna Maria Berger, Birgit Poschmaier-Kamarád, Ivaylo Kassabov, Sophie-Marie Hofer, Sabine Cummings and Florian Meister! Click here for further information ?? https://bit.ly/3FgWted #renewableenergy #fund #sustainability Photograph: ? wirestock

    • ein Windrad in der Wüste
  • Gender equality is not a buzzword for us, but our conviction and part of our daily work. We want to strengthen women's participation in economic life and promote gender equality. This goal is embedded in our current strategy, to which we are committed. In this way, we also contribute to SDG 5 'Gender Equality'. ???? Equality between women and men is an essential cornerstone for sustainable development and poverty reduction. Nevertheless, women around the world are still fundamentally restricted in many areas – most notably, for example, in their participation in economic life and economic opportunities. As part of our financing, we want to strengthen women and reduce inequalities in a targeted manner, using the catalogue of 2X Criteria as guidance. A good recent example showcasing our effort is the Global Gender-Smart Fund (GGSF): Initially founded in 2009 as Microfinance Enhancement Facility (MEF), the fund was transformed into the GGSF on 1 January 2024. The Fund is now introducing a new gender-focused strategy. This way, it contributes to closing the financing gap for women entrepreneurs in developing countries. In addition, a technical assistance facility has been set up to support partner financial institutions in the development and implementation of specific gender equality action plans. More information about the project can be found here ?? https://lnkd.in/dHdcqxay #diversity #gender #FemaleEmpowerment #InternationalWomansDay #equality

    • Eine Frau, die einen Bezahlvorgang abwickelt.
  • Investitionsfinanzierung in einer Entwicklungsbank? Ein vielseitiges und spannendes Thema, in das Du mit einem sechsmonatigen Praktikum bei uns noch tiefer abtauchen kannst. Für die Teams Akquisition & Strukturierung sowie Portfoliomanagement suchen wir Studierende ????????, die ihr Pflichtpraktikum in unserem Unternehmen absolvieren m?chten. Dabei lernst Du, worauf es bei der Finanzierung von Projekten in Entwicklungs- und Schwellenl?ndern ankommt. Konkret geht es bei Deinen Aufgaben um ? Akquisition, Strukturierung und Betreuung von Projekten im Realsektor und Finanzsektor. ? Recherchen zu unseren Projekten, Zielm?rkten und Sektoren. ? Erarbeitung von Entscheidungs-/Genehmigungsunterlage für die Kreditentscheidung. ? Erstellung und Prüfung von Finanzmodellen für unsere Projekte. ? die Messung der entwicklungspolitischen Effekte unserer Projekte. Du kannst Deine Ausbildung erg?nzen und Dein Wissen in die Praxis umsetzen. Die Zeit bei uns erm?glicht Dir Einblicke in die Berufswelt und wertvolle Erfahrungen für Deine weitere Karriere. Neugierig geworden? Hier gibt`s noch mehr Infos und die M?glichkeit zur Bewerbung ??www.oeeb.at/karriere #karriere #team #job

  • University meets workplace. Today we welcomed Professor Pablo Collazzo and a group of students from St. Lawrence University to the OeEB. ???? What a pleasure to discuss with the next generation of business enthusiasts current development policy issues. ?? The topic of finance in emerging markets accompanied us throughout the entire day. Thank you for your visit and good luck on your future path Justin Appleby, Scott Doyle, Kiran Black, Emma Caffrey, Maja Helmer, Jasmine Jenkers, Claire Kessing, Caroline Mower, Madison Rizzo and Sophia Roxo. #career #developmentfinance #networking

    • 该图片无替代文字
  • Sie wollen in verantwortungsvoller Position einen Beitrag zum Klimaschutz in Entwicklungs- und Schwellenl?ndern leisten? Dann sind Sie bei uns an der richtigen Stelle: Wir sind auf der Suche nach einem/er Senior Manager/in mit einschl?giger Berufserfahrung für die Prüfung und Strukturierung von Beteiligungsprojekten mit Fokus auf Erneuerbare Energien und andere klimarelevante Sektoren. Zu Ihren Aufgaben z?hlen unter anderem ? die Akquirierung und Betreuung von Beteiligungsfonds im Klimabereich in Entwicklungsl?ndern. ? die Strukturierung von Fondsinvestitionen in Entwicklungsl?ndern. ? die Durchführung von Due Diligence Prüfungen vor Ort. ? die Pr?sentation der OeEB im Rahmen von Veranstaltungen im In- und Ausland. Für diese und weitere T?tigkeiten steht Ihnen ein moderner Arbeitsplatz mit bester ?ffentlicher Anbindung im 1. Bezirk in Wien und flexiblen Arbeitszeiten zur Verfügung. Wir haben Ihr Interesse geweckt? S?mtliche Informationen und den Link zur Online-Bewerbung finden Sie hier ?? https://lnkd.in/dmGQHQfr #job #karriere #klimafinanzierung

    • Eine Frau übergibt einem Mann eine Visitenkarte
  • Du m?chtest Finanzierungen von Privatsektor Projekten in Entwicklungs- und Schwellenl?ndern mitgestalten? Dann k?nnte dieser Job genau der richtige sein. ???? Unser Team Mid Office unter der Leitung von Sanije Ramadani sucht ab sofort eine/n (Senior) Transaktionsmanager/in für die Finanzierung der Projekte inkl. KYC-Prüfungen. ?????????? Eine sinnstiftende Aufgabe mit dem Ziel, die Situation von Menschen in Entwicklungs- und Schwellenl?ndern zu verbessern. Was noch alles hinter diesem Job Title steckt, erf?hrt ihr weiter unten. ?? Direkt zur Bewerbung und zu weiteren Infos rund um unsere Benefits geht es dann hier ?? https://bit.ly/431VgRO #job #karriere #kyc

  • Women's power in action: Together with Banco Pichincha, we are facilitating a USD 20 million credit line for micro-enterprises in Ecuador founded and run exclusively by women. In this way, we contribute to our strategic goals of promoting micro, small and medium-sized enterprises as well as gender equality and financial inclusion. Micro, small and medium-sized enterprises are the backbone of Ecuador's economy and play a central role in job creation and income generation. However, limited access to financing often prevents these companies from growing further. The current credit line aims to counteract this. Banco Pichincha is the largest Ecuadorian commercial bank and specializes in retail and microfinance. It has been one of our partners since 2019, when we provided a first credit line of USD 20 million for women-owned micro enterprises. Thanks to our colleagues for their commitment and making this project possible: Miguel Inchaurrondo Nehm, Maria Berger, CFA, Barbara Linder, Caroline Gützer, Isabell Reinold, Gerda Brazda, Sophie-Marie Hofer and Florian Meister #gender #microfinance #ecuador

    • a woman standing next to a fruit stand selling her products
  • We are pleased to let you know that we have published four policy papers. ?? These complement our current OeEB strategy 2024-2028. The papers detail and operationalize the bank’s approaches in four key areas: ?? Additionality, ??Technical assistance, ?? Paris Alignment, and ?? Human rights. The policy papers outline our approach in the areas mentioned, describe strategies for their integration into internal processes and define responsibilities for implementation, monitoring, and periodic revisions. Learn more ?? https://bit.ly/4hwz32s

  • We are happy to announce that we have invested EUR 4 million from our own funds, backed by a federal guarantee from the ministry of finance Bundesministerium für Finanzen, in the Amethis Fund III SCA, SICAV-RAIF. The fund is targeting 10 to 12 investments with ticket sizes of EUR 25 million to EUR 40 million in the infrastructure and energy sectors, health services as well as production and sales. The geographical focus is on North Africa and sub-Saharan Africa, including countries such as Kenya, Cote d'Ivoire, Senegal, Morocco and Egypt. Amethis is an established fund manager in Africa with a large local presence. It not only supports its portfolio companies with long-term equity, but also actively pursues approaches to increase the value of the companies, e.g. in the areas of recruiting, ESG and governance. We are pleased to be able to support our strategic focus on SMEs, Africa and Least Developed Countries with this investment. Congratulations to the project team: Christine Neuhold-Andr?, Zarko Kukrkic, Barbara Linder, Isabell Reinold, Sabine Cummings, Sophie-Marie Hofer, Kristin Duchateau and Florian Meister. ?? #sdg8 #developmentfinance #africa Bild: Getty Images

    • Eine Luftaufnahme von Kairo.


