David vs. Goliath: How OBM Triumphs Over GroupM
In the world of advertising, the classic tale of David and Goliath is playing out once more,?this time between agencies and not consumer brands. Ocean Bridge Media (OBM), a powerhouse built from humble beginnings, helped transform a brand from $9 million to over $150 million in annual sales revenue. After nurturing it to over a half-billion-dollar acquisition, we continued to lead the business with the new owners.
With larger budgets now at play, enter GroupM, the largest media placement firm globally—the Goliath in our story. Leveraging their influence, they convinced the new brand owners to shift their business to GroupM, claiming it was essential for the "ecosystem." This was misleading and the new owners accepted their pitch. GroupM’s intervention cost us tens of millions in billings annually—a drop in the bucket for them, but for us, those budgets sustained part of a team that helped build the brand's success.
Goliath strikes at OBM again.
This time, it was a newer client, and GroupM didn’t have our proven blueprint of success to poach and amplify with larger budgets. They placed a campaign and failed, surprisingly with dubious studies offered to mask the failure. Those digital CPMs were also extremely high.?With that failure, we got another chance.
The OBM formula being the stone in our sling, we did what we were born to do and let a winning campaign fly, striking Goliath and he fell.
OBM was victorious and the account returned to us.?Today, the brand is now thriving, breaking sales records and achieving major wins in retail.
Here's what we've learned that may help against your Goliath:
1.) Bigger isn’t better.?Goliaths are more in the public eye, which is?a measurable vulnerability, and they're slow. Your size and unique attributes become their weaknesses—stay true to who you are and you'll win.
2.) Do what you were born to do. We provide better results through a custom approach, and that?supports the families of our clients and our dedicated team. It's not about inflating executive bonuses or shareholder profits. Offer something uniquely better— and succeed for all of those around you.
3.) Transparency matters.?Goliaths have insatiable appetites and must solely focus on profit maximization or they cannot sustain their size. At times, this monetary focus brings about questionable practices and makes Goliaths vulnerable. Execute from integrity. GroupM’s former chairman, Irwin Gotlieb, said this about their arbitrage practice: "It doesn’t say in Genesis that everything we do has to be on a fully disclosed basis to clients."
This philosophy underscores their approach, and as they attempt to use Genesis to conceal, we point to 1 Samuel to reveal, Goliath was in fact beaten.
Join us in standing up to Goliaths. Message me anytime to help—let's chat on positioning and media!