Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly转发了
The 1??5??th EIASM Workshop on the Challenges of Manging the Third Sector is coming to Durham, UK ????? ????Interested? Submit your abstract or full paper by the deadline? Submission deadline for abstracts:?April 25, 2025 The workshop organisers are particularly interested in the results of #managerial, #economic, #policy and #interdisciplinary approaches that explore the contemporary challenges in managing #Third_Sector_Organisations (#TSOs) Topics of potential interest include, but are not limited to: ? ? #Reflections on crisis and third-sector creative responses. ? #Managerial challenges of TSOs and how they can adapt and prosper. ? #Accountability processes that seek to build (or rebuild) trust and confidence in individual TSOs, subsectors of the third sector, and in the sector as a whole.? ? The #challenges of maintaining service delivery, #governance, and #advocacy in light of growing contextual demands. ? Emerging trends in #power and #politics that impact #charitable_services - tools and tactics to adapt, absorb and transform. ? #Hybrid worlds: adapting to new ways of working and #fund_raising. ? Navigating #financial_disasters while protecting key services for beneficiaries. ? Developing #financial_resilience capabilities in a changed landscape.? ? The effects of #scandals, #trust, and #funding_crises on the third sector. ? The role of #accounting and #financial_measures in helping TSOs to set and achieve #SDGs. ? Re-imagining #service_delivery with a look at the future.? ? Reconceptualising service delivery – capacity building through cross-sector partnerships. ? Co-design and co-delivery of #community_services. ? The role of #governance_systems and #structures in the third sector.? ? How TSOs size affects their #management and #operation. The #workshop will be of interest not only to #researchers active in this area, but also to #policymakers, #senior_managers, and #practitioners from all disciplines. ??Durham, United Kingdom ???June 23-23, 2025 ?? More information: ??SPECIAL ISSUE?? A selection of the #best_papers will be eligible for submission to a #dedicated_symposium in?Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly?(NVSQ) _____________________ Noel Hyndman, Mariann Liguori, Marc Jegers, Henry Midgley Durham University Business School