FREEDOM OF TRANSACTION ?? Integrieren Sie das Geld von morgen in Ihr t?gliches Leben und sichern Sie Ihre finanzielle Unabh?ngigkeit. Erlebe die Vorteile von einfachem Krypto-Handel, sicherer Verwahrung und komfortabler Krypto-Bezahlung – alles in einer App. ?? DEINE IBAN MIT SOFORTüBERWEISUNGEN Mit deiner pers?nlichen IBAN kannst du sofort Euro auf dein Bankkonto ein- und auszahlen. ?? KRYPTO WIE DU ES WILLST Sende, erhalte und verwahre Bitcoin und Ether sicher mit deinen biometrischen Daten. ?? HANDEL KRYPTO 24/7 IN ECHTZEIT Kaufe und verkaufe Bitcoin und Ether rund um die Uhr in Echtzeit mit niedrigen Gebühren zu den besten Kursen. ?? VERMEHRE DEIN VERM?GEN Investiere automatisch und reduziere das Risiko mit t?glichen, w?chentlichen und monatlichen Sparpl?nen. ?? MIT VISA KARTE KRYPTO AUSGEBEN Bezahle mit Krypto und Euro überall dort, wo Visa akzeptiert wird, und hebe Bargeld an Geldautomaten ab. ???? FüR EUROPA GEMACHT Verfügbar für Einwohner in 29 L?ndern des Europ?ischen Wirtschaftsraums. ?? GEGRüNDET 2014. 4.4 App Store Bewertung 150k Downloads 3 Mrd. € Transaktionsvolumen 500 Mio. € verwaltetes Verm?gen Made with ?? in Berlin.
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- 2014
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- bitcoin, ether, banking, trading, card, wallet, crypto, payment, cryptocurrency, mobile und blockchain
Am Treptower Park 75
Berlin, 12435, DE
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? Bitwala Card Update ? Living on crypto just got simpler. Our latest updates to the Bitwala Card give you more control, flexibility, and options in your financial life. Here’s what’s new: ?? Instantly buy and store crypto in-app, then spend it globally at over 100 million merchants. ?? Choose between a physical and a virtual card, funding it in real time via bank transfers or crypto. Easily switch between Euro, Bitcoin, and Ether payments. ?? Track every purchase in real-time, freeze your card, customize spending preferences, and set your limits. ?? Enjoy no monthly subscription fees, high spending limits and cash out at ATMs. Ready to spend your crypto as easily as cash? The Bitwala Card offers the perfect blend of innovation and security. Which features should we integrate next to our Bitwala Visa Card? ?? ?? Drop your ideas below.
Are You Making These Excuses to Avoid Bitcoin? ?? ?? Bitcoin has revolutionized the financial world, yet many still hesitate to invest. Let's debunk the top excuses: 1. "I don't understand it." ?? Solution: Start with basics. Learn about blockchain and digital wallets. Knowledge is power! 2. "It's too volatile." ???? Reality Check: Volatility can mean opportunity. Proper risk management is key. 3. "I missed the boat." ? Truth: It's never too late. The market is still evolving. 4. "It's not secure." ?? Fact: Improved security protocols and insurance options exist now. 5. "Big banks don't support it." ?? Major institutions are increasingly embracing crypto. But don't let unfounded excuses hold you back from exploring this innovative asset class. Are you invested in Bitcoin? What's holding you back? Share your thoughts below! ?? #Bitcoin #Cryptocurrency #FinancialFuture #InvestmentStrategy
Excited to announce the launch of our redesigned! ? We've reimagined our online presence to reflect our vision for the future of money - simpler, bolder, and more accessible than ever. Key highlights of our transformation: ?? Embracing Contrast Our new black and white design language speaks to the essence of digital currency: timeless yet innovative. The intentional use of strong contrast ensures a seamless navigation and accessibility for users worldwide. ?? The Green Signal Weaving through our design is a distinctive neon green - symbolizing growth, sustainability, and crypto's revolutionary roots. ?? Bridging Today and Tomorrow Our website blends authentic and AI-generated visuals, showing people moving between today's world and tomorrow's possibilities – much like crypto itself bridges current and future finance. ?? Own Your Future, Live on Crypto This isn't just a redesign - it's a reflection of our core mission. Through our intuitive app, Visa card, and the BWALA token, we're empowering you to truly own your financial future. From investing in Bitcoin and Ethereum to daily transactions, we're making crypto living a reality. A special thanks to Yana and her team for creating our sleek new minimalist design. ?? What do you think of our new look? Share your thoughts below!
"Keiner hat mir zu sagen, was ich mit meinem Geld zu tun habe." Alles begann mit einem "Nein". Ein Nein von der Bank, Bitcoin zu kaufen. Wie es für unseren CEO Dennis danach weiterging, erfahrt ihr in der neuen Podcast Folge von Bundes Alpaka mit Rafael Kaaz. ???
Volt Podcast mit Dennis Daiber von Bitwala
Some thoughts from our CEO Dennis Daiber on the recent "Presidential Rug-Pull".
Wie sich die Zeiten ?ndern. ?? Im Interview mit Gründerszene blickt unser CEO Dennis auf seine ersten Bitcoin-Transaktionen zurück. Ein Burger mit Pommes für ein paar Bitcoin? Was heute nach purem Wahnsinn klingt, war 2010 noch Realit?t. 15 Jahre sp?ter hat sich der Krypto-Space extrem gewandelt. Aus dem Rabbit Hole, in das Dennis damals gefallen ist, hat er bis heute keinen Ausweg gefunden. ??? Das gesamte Interview lest ihr hier:
Who would've thought? Bitwala on TV! ?? Reflecting on 2024, one of the standout moments for Bitwala was being selected for the new CryptoKnightsTVShow. ?? In August, our founders, Dennis & Jan traveled all the way to Malaysia to shoot for the show, with one mission: bringing #Bitcoin to the mainstream! CryptoKnightsTVShow premieres early next year, and we can't wait to share the official trailer with you:
CryptoKnights Official Trailer
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