It really does happen. Do you have a plan?
Yesterday, my sister’s garage caught fire. Thankfully, the fire department arrived quickly and was able to save the house. We’re incredibly grateful no one was hurt. SO SCARY! The suspected cause? A lithium battery and charger—something so common in homes and businesses today. It’s a stark reminder that disasters—whether it’s fire, flood, or even theft—happen. They don’t care if you meant to back up your files tomorrow or if your only copy of that critical data is sitting on a local drive in the same building. This is why backups matter. Not just any backups, but properly managed, offsite, and regularly tested backups. Whether you're a small business or a solo operation, ask yourself: If my office burned down tonight, how fast could I be back up and running? Would I lose customer data, financials, emails, or years of work? At NuCloud, we build backup and disaster recovery plans before there’s an emergency—so you're not picking up the pieces afterward. Don’t wait for a close call to realize what’s at stake. #Backup #DisasterRecovery #MSP #VoIP #ITServices #NuCloud #SmallBusinessIT #BePrepared #CapitalRegion