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Don't miss this upcoming discussion on the impact of social determinants of health in North Carolina. Whether you’re a student, healthcare professional or community advocate, our panel of experts will provide valuable insights into how we can collectively address the social factors that affect public health. This event by Northeastern University, Bouvé College of Health Sciences and the Department of Public Health and Health Sciences at Northeastern University will examine: -What role can community leaders, healthcare professionals, and educators play in improving health equity? -Why is it important to understand the intersection of social factors and public health? -How are universities, government health departments, and community organizations collaborating to address public health disparities? Meet our experts: Ronny Bell, PhD, MS is the Fred Eshelman Professor and Chair of the Division of Pharmaceutical Outcomes and Policy at the Eshelman School of Pharmacy at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC). Dr. Bell is also Associate Director of Cancer Care Access and Excellence for the UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center. Dr. Bell received his undergraduate degree in Public Health Nutrition from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Public Health (1985) and his Master’s (1988) and Doctorate (1993) in Foods and Nutrition from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. Dr. Bell completed a post-doctoral fellowship in Gerontology and completed a Master’s in Epidemiology (1996) from the Wake Forest School of Medicine. Stacie Turpin Saunders, MPH serves as the Deputy Director for NC DHHS Division of Public Health and Section Chief for the Local and Community Support Section. She joined NC DHHS DPH in January 2023. Prior to her service with NC DPH, Stacie served in NC Local Public Health since 2007 including as a local health, first in Alamance County and then in Buncombe County. She has been a member of various state, regional and local boards, advisory councils and workgroups including as a Steering Committee member of the NCIOM Future of Local Public Health Task Force. Shan Mohammed MD, MPH is a Clinical Professor in the Department of Public Health and Health Sciences and is the Assistant Dean for Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging (DEIB) Educational and Student Initiatives at the Bouvé College of Health Sciences at Northeastern University. He currently serves as the chair of the Education Advisory Committee with the Association of Schools and Programs in Public Health (ASPPH). Dr. Mohammed served as the national co-chair of the Expert Panel on Transformative Education Models and Pedagogy with the ASPPH Framing the Future: Education of Public Health 2030 initiative. He is a lead accreditation site-visitor with the Council on Education for Public Health and consults with public health programs seeking accreditation and re-accreditation. #nuCLT #PublicHealth