We wrapped up a major summer event season at the Ethics Institute?with our faculty overseeing seven different workshops and programs! ?9-week, NSF-funded?Graduate Summer Training Program to Expand the AI and Data Ethics Research Community, led by?Kathleen Creel?and?John Basl ? 5-day, NEH-funded Northeast Workshop to Learn About Multicultural Philosophy (NEWLAMP) Program, led by?Getty L. Lustila?and Candice Delmas. ? 2-week?Intelligence, Data, Ethics, and Society (IDEAS) Program, led by?Sina Fazelpour?and?Marina DiMarco ??10-day, Mozilla funded?Summer Training Program on Responsible Computing Education, led by?Vance R. and?Meica Magnani ·?2-day,?Ethnographers of Orthodoxy Workshop Event, Led by Dr. Sarah Riccardi-Swartz ??5-day,?Philosophy In an Inclusive Key(PIKSI)-Logic Program, led by?Branden Fitelson ??2-day,?Tech Ethics eXchange NorthEast (teχnē) Conference, a collaboration between the Ethics Institute, MIT, and Harvard, led at Northeastern mainly by?John Basl We want to thank all who attended and presented at these workshops! And a big thank you to?Amod Lele, Keanna Smigliani,?Deryni Mahoney, Tobias Dehner, and?Ricardo Hernandez?for working hard to bring these projects to life! Also, a big thank you to our summer program funders: National Science Foundation (NSF), Northeastern’s Department of Philosophy and Religion, Khoury College of Computer Sciences, Northeastern University College of Social Sciences and Humanities, Institute for Experiential Robotics, Institute for Experiential AI at Northeastern University, National Endowment for the Humanities: Democracy Demands Wisdom Grant, Omidyar Network, Mozilla Foundation, Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Social and Ethics Responsibilities of Computing, Harvard University’s Embedded EthiCS Program and Edmond & Lily Safra Center for Ethics, Northeastern University’s Mutual Mentoring Advancement Program (M2AP), and Northeastern University's Humanities Center. To read more about each program, access the conferences and workshops page on our website.