NorthEast Eye Research Associates转发了
Interesting report from our friends across the pond, updating a previous study about preventing dementia by indentifying risk factors associated with the debilitating disease. This report added LDL (bad cholesterol) and vision loss as key risk factors. This reinforces what most Eye Care Practitioners know, the importance of vision/ocular health in keeping our brain healthy. One of the frustrating parts of seeing dementia patients is seeing thick cataracts that you know are blocking light and dulling their view of the world, literally and figuratively. If you have a patient (or family member) that is delaying having their cataracts taken care of while they can (mobile and able to focus) or not treating their glaucoma/mac.degen. or just not updating their specs in a timely manner, this info should help us all spur to action. Like always, an ounce of prevention trumps a pound of cure. #NEERAeye #dementia #optometry #eyehealth