Your life‘s greatest regrets will not come from the things you choose to do; they will come from the things you decide to avoid. #normal40 PS - read the book that has defied all of the odds: The Trade.
Transition Coach for Elite Performers. A thousand lives changed. Former public company exec. Best-selling author. Founder of Normal 40. Podcast host. Pilot. Farm kid. Change agent.
Your life has a thief; it’s called indecision. Indecision is the quiet enemy of progress. It masquerades as patience, whispers that waiting is wise, and convinces you that doing nothing is the safest option. But indecision has a cost. It looks like aging. It feels like frustration. And over time, it turns into toleration—a slow surrender to a life you no longer recognize as your own. You’re not stuck because there aren’t choices. You’re stuck because you won’t make one. Waiting isn’t harmless; it’s a thief. It steals your time, your energy, and your potential. It lets the days pass while nothing changes except the regret piling up. Here’s the truth: waiting doesn’t solve anything. It doesn’t make decisions for you. It doesn’t bring clarity. All it does is delay the inevitable—until one day, you wake up realizing you’ve tolerated too much for too long. Indecision keeps you aging in place. Action moves you forward. The hardest part isn’t knowing what to do; it’s giving yourself permission to do it. Waiting feels safer, but it’s not. You’re betting your future on time fixing what only you can change. So, what’s the decision you’re avoiding? What’s the step you know you need to take? Today, stop tolerating. Choose to act. Because every day you don’t is another day you give to indecision—and it won’t give anything back. Know thy thief and remove them. Let’s be up to something. #normal40 #coach #thetrade