Groundbreaking biology using NOETIK first-in-class foundation models of human cellular and tissue biology now live at #SITC24 and online. Come along for a quick tour: Lacey Padrón presents our full human discovery engine, from proprietary multimodal data generation (1,000 lung cancer patient samples) to the data pipelines and the AI discovery engine. This is one of the largest paired multimodal datasets of cancer biology! OCTO is a massively multimodal, transformer-based world model trained on data from all of our tumor samples. We use OCTO to discover T cell functional phenotypes in immune therapy resistant STK11 mutant tumors. Then, using simulated perturbations, virtual screen for therapeutic targets that are predicted to alter these T cell phenotypes to that of immune therapy sensitive tumors. In a second poster, Yu (Phoebe) G. shares exciting work studying Tertiary Lymphoid Structures (TLS) across our massive dataset of 1,000 lung cancers. TLS are immune structures that promote anti-tumor immunity. Can we discover therapeutic targets that enhance these structures in tumors? Because OCTO is trained on multimodal histology data, we can train a classifier on its embeddings to discover TLS across 10's of thousands of tumor images (Yes, it can also perform digital pathology tasks). TLS that OCTO finds confirm known biology (such as LTB and others). Then, using OCTO's simulation engine, we model maturation of these structures and discover potential targets to enhance their function. That's the summary, find our team at SITC or posters available here: