For one night, we created a space where advertising professionals could connect in a more meaningful way. Conversations flowed, insights were shared, and new relationships took root. The Flower Shop Bar’s lower level was the perfect, intimate space to hang out, enjoy canapes and craft cocktails, get a tarot card reading and play a round of pool. And we created a personal touch by printing floral-themed cards with the best advice attendees have ever received. A huge thank you to Breaking and Entering Media for helping us bring this evening to life and to all the budding and deep-rooted talent who stepped away from the day-to-day to be part of something special. You made the night what it was. If you joined us for Spring Fling Happy Hour, we’d love to hear what moment or connection stayed with you. And if you’re an agency professional who’d like to join a future NYC event, let us know at the link in the comments.