Building Noén: A Love Letter to Intimacy When Marisa Goldstein and I started Noén, we weren’t just launching a product, we were creating a conversation. A conversation about what happens after. About intimacy beyond the moment. About the quiet, tender rituals that deserve just as much attention as the act itself. We’re living in a time of connection overload and intimacy deficit, where we’re more reachable than ever but often feel further apart. Studies show we’re touching each other less, speaking in shorter bursts, and substituting real moments for screen-based interactions. But intimacy, true, unfiltered, human closeness, isn’t something that can be outsourced. It has to be nurtured, prioritized, and protected. I’ve always been fascinated by the way we connect, how we seek closeness, how we care for one another, how touch and time shape the depth of our relationships - and yet, the world of intimacy products has long been missing something: aesthetic, elevated, intentional care. So, we built it. Noén's Afterplay Oil is our love letter to what comes next. Made with clean, organic ingredients, designed to soothe, hydrate, and enhance connection, because great lovers know: intimacy doesn’t end when the lights go out. But Noén is more than a product. Last summer, we launched our first publication, bringing intimacy into the same conversations as art and culture, because sensuality should be woven into the fabric of our daily lives, not something we second-guess or push to the margins. Now, a few months in, we’re in four retailers and growing. We’re seeing people integrate aftercare as a ritual, redefining what intimacy means in their lives, and we’re just getting started. My vision for Noén is bigger than a product. It’s about shifting culture, about elevating intimacy, prioritizing care, and making sensuality a daily experience, not just a fleeting one. Creating community around connection and bringing people closer to themselves, and their partners. If you’re reading this and it resonates, if you believe in better, in deeper, in something that lingers, let’s connect. Because we’re building something that matters. And I want you to be part of it. #Noén #femalefounders #startups #creativity #future