[KONKURS P?R PUN?] ??Zyrtar i lart? p?r Marketing Aplikacioni duhet t? plot?sohet direkt n? web faqen e Bank?s deri m? 25 n?ntor 2024. M? shum? ?? ??https://lnkd.in/diiYQRa2
NLB Banka, nj?ra nd?r bankat m? t? suksesshme n? Kosov?, p?rmes eksperienc?s dhe njohurive t? gj?ra ?sht? duke luajtur rol esencial n? zhvillimin e sektorit bankar. Suksesi yn? mb?shtetet n? angazhimin ton? t? fuqish?m p?r t? ofruar sh?rbime cil?sore, produkte t? ndryshme bankare t? krijuara n? baz? t? nevojave t? klient?ve, si dhe duke krijuar dhe mbajtur nj? lidhje dhe kujdes t? ve?ant? ndaj klient?ve tan? individual dhe afarist. Duke qen? pjes? e Grupit NLB, grupit m? t? fuqish?m bankar n? regjion, NLB Banka ?sht? n? pozit? t? shk?lqyer p?r t'i ndihmuar klient?t e vet q? t'i arrijn? vizionet e tyre.
- 网站
NLB Banka Prishtina的外部链接
- 所属行业
- 银行业
- 规模
- 201-500 人
- 总部
- Prishtin?
- 类型
- 私人持股
- 创立
- 2008
Rr. Ukshin Hoti nr. 124
NLB Banka Prishtina员工
[KONKURS P?R PUN?] ??K?shilltar i klient?ve – komercialist n? Ekspozitur?n n? Malishev?. Aplikacioni duhet t? plot?sohet direkt n? web faqen e Bank?s, deri m? dat?n 26 n?ntor 2024. M? shum? ?? ??https://lnkd.in/dbb5jDbb
[?????? ?????????????? ??????????????] Me NLB, kursimi ?sht? matematik? e thjesht?. ???? Kurseni sot p?r nj? t? ardhme t? sigurt. Kursimi gradual ju mund?son deponim t? parave sipas d?shir?s tuaj. Ju mund ti afatizoni parat? tuaja p?r 5 vite, me norma speciale t? interesit q? rriten ?do vit.?? Ky ?sht? nj? rrug?tim i sigurt dhe i p?rshtatsh?m drejt q?llimeve tuaja financiare. M? shum??? ??https://lnkd.in/dD2VjTEy ??+383 (0) 38 744 100 #nlbbanka #p?rgjith?kaq?vijon #kursimigradual
[KONKURS P?R PUN?] p?r zgjedhjen e kandidat?ve p?r vendet e pun?s: ??Zyrtar i lart? p?r siguri t? teknologjis? s? informacionit, ??Zyrtar p?r siguri t? teknologjis? s? informacionit. Aplikacioni duhet t? plot?sohet direkt n? web faqen e Bank?s deri m? 13 n?ntor 2024. M? shum? ?? ??https://lnkd.in/dZjWNs9N
Aktivizo Kulet?n Digjitale ?????? ??????, realizo pagesa dhe p?rfito deri n? ????€ ??????????! Fito m? shum? duke realizuar pagesa me kulet?n digjitale NLB Pay! Aktivizo tani dhe p?rfito 30€ bonus, realizo ???? ???????????????????????? deri n? fund t? vitit me ?????? ??????, ???????????? ?????? apo ???????????? ?????? dhe fito edhe ????€ ?????????????. Aktivizo tani dhe realizo blerjet e p?rditshme m? t? favorshme se kurr?! P?rfito nga oferta e jasht?zakonshme q? ju shp?rblen p?r ?do transaksion t? b?r? leht?sisht dhe me siguri t? plot?. V?rejtje: NLB Pay suporton vet?m telefon?t me sistem operativ Android. Pagesat mund t? realizohen leht?sisht nga ?do pajisje q? suporton Google Wallet ose Garmin Pay. P?r m? shum? informata rreth kampanj?s ?? ??https://lnkd.in/dMiYYecB ??P?r m? shum? informata rreth aktivizimit ?? https://lnkd.in/dvNxZP_R
Imazhet e sht?pive t? shkat?rruara, rrug?ve t? p?rmbytura, kujtimeve t? zhdukura dhe jet?ve t? humbura q? vijn? nga Bosnja dhe Hercegovina jan? thell?sisht t? dhimbshme p?r k?do q? jeton dhe e do rajonin ton? po aq sa ne.?? Ne bashk?ndjejm? dhe q?ndrojm? me Bosnje dhe Hercegovin?n. S? bashku do t? v?rtetojm? se e vetmja gj? m? e fort? se forca e pakufishme e natyr?s ?sht? vullneti, dashamir?sia dhe solidariteti njer?zor. Grupi NLB do t? dhuroj? 1 milion euro p?r ndihm? nga p?rmbytjet n? Bosnje dhe Hercegovin?. ?? Lexo m? shum?: https://lnkd.in/dH9QWJ9V
Images of devastated homes, flooded roads, vanished memories, and lost lives coming from Bosnia and Herzegovina are deeply painful for anyone, who lives with and loves this home region of ours as much as we do. ??We feel, we grieve, and we stand with Bosnia and Herzegovina. Together we will prove, that ?????? ???????? ?????????? ???????????????? ???????? ?????? ?????????????????? ?????????? ???? ????????????, ?????? ?????????? ????????, ??????????, ?????? ????????????????????. ? ?? NLB Group will ???????????? ?????? ?? ?????????????? ???? ?????????? ???????????? in Bosnia and Herzegovina. ?? Find out more: https://bit.ly/3Nfn8c3 NLB Banka Sarajevo, NLB Banka a.d. Banja Luka, NLB Banka Skopje, NLB Komercijalna banka, NLB Banka Podgorica, NLB Banka Prishtina
The Banking Cybersecurity Forum 2024 continued its first session with a discussion #panel and #presentation on #cybersecurity in #Kosovo ?? The Cybersecurity in Banking Forum proceeded with the presentation titled “Overview on global cybersecurity trends, focus on challenges and activities in Kosovo”, prepared by Arbnor Imeri, Vice Chair of the KBA Cybersecurity Committee and Head of Information Security Function at ProCredit Bank Kosova. ?? The first panel addressed the topic “The Role of Cybersecurity in Maintaining Trust in the Banking System: Instant Payments and Other Digital Payment Advancements”. Moderated by Xhanan Karaqa, Member of the KBA Cybersecurity Committee / Head of Security at NLB Bank, this panel also featured other experts such as: ? Elvin Mala, CISA, CMC, ITIL, Head of Information Systems Supervision Division at the Central Bank of the Republic of Kosova ? Cihan Vehbi Salihoglu, Principal/Vice President, Advisors & Consulting Services, Strategy & Transformation, Mastercard ? Emanuela Caushi Azemi, Acting Chief Risk Officer at ProCredit Bank Kosova ? Primo? Vogrinec, Chief Information Security Officer at NLB Slovenia ? Pavel Shust, Digital Financial Services Regulation, Compliance, and Development Expert, IFC - International Finance Corporation ?? The panelists discussed #strategies that #financial #institutions can use to #secure and #strengthen customer trust, examined the biggest challenges banks face today with the rise of instant payments, compliance and regulatory aspects, and emerging technology, including artificial intelligence. #KosovoBankingAssociation #Mastercard #BankingCybersecurityForum2024
[NLB KREDI HIPOTEKARE] ?? Ku jeton lumturia? Ne besojm? se ?sht? pik?risht n? pragun e sht?pis? tuaj. Sepse lumturia ka vet?m nj? adres?, at? tuaj?n. Aplikoni sot p?r kredi dhe p?rfitoni nga oferta me norm? speciale interesi. Apliko online?? ??https://lnkd.in/dcRVNzBf M? shum? rreth ofert?s?? ?? https://lnkd.in/dkUQf9j... ?? +383 (0) 38 744 100
Mb?shtetja jon? p?r kauza q? sjellin ndryshim pozitiv n? komunitetin ton? ?sht? nj? pjes? e r?nd?sishme e angazhimit ton? social. Do t? vazhdojm? t? jemi partner? t? besuesh?m p?r organizatat q? ndihmojn? n? p?rmir?simin e cil?sis? s? jet?s. S? bashku, mund t? b?jm? m? shum?! ???
? One Year of Support from NLB Banka Prishtina - Thank You! ?? Today, we want to take a moment to express our heartfelt gratitude to our friend, NLB Bank, who has provided extraordinary support to children without parental care and those at risk of losing parental care for an entire year. Thanks to their generous donation, children and families in SOS Children's Villages Kosovo have had a better year. ?? From July 2023 to July 2024, NLB Bank's contribution has made it possible for: ?? 37 children without parental care to have everything they needed for school - books, bags, and even extra help with their studies. ?? 341 children at risk of losing parental care to receive support and hope for a better future. They have received school supplies and attended various courses to help them have a better life. ?? ?? 37 families with nearly 190 members to be supported to start generating income for their families. In addition to donating work tools, the donation from NLB Bank has also enabled courses and sewing machines for these families to generate income. We are very grateful to NLB Bank. They have shown us that when we work together, we can do great things for children and empower families. ?? ?