New Jersey Citizen Action (NJCA) is a statewide progressive nonprofit organization that fights for social, racial, and economic justice for all. Our active campaigns include fighting for quality and affordable health care for all, fair and affordable banking and housing, consumer financial protections, affordable utility rates, workers’ rights, clean energy, and work and family balance issues. NJCA has a long history of successfully building broad and diverse constituencies and engaging thousands of New Jerseyans in issue-based campaigns. We are unique as an organization in that we combine issue advocacy and policy work with the provision of free ?nancial empowerment programs and services, which serve as an extension of our economic justice work. In the last year alone, Citizen Action provided free direct services to more than 18,000 individuals and families across the state. All of our free programs and services are designed to increase economic opportunities for low‐ and moderate‐income individuals and families in New Jersey's traditionally underserved communities. These services include free one-on-one HUD‐certi?ed housing, rental, and foreclosure counseling and ?rst-time homebuyer education, basic ?nancial education and one‐on‐one ?nancial coaching, healthcare enrollment assistance, free tax preparation, ITIN applications and renewals, and Tax Counseling for the Elderly (TCE), and fair housing education, outreach and enforcement as a Quali?ed Fair Housing Organization. NJCA's service programs compliment our policy work and issue advocacy, and promote homeownership, access to healthcare, capital and other asset development initiatives among LMI and other vulnerable, marginalized communities.
11-50 人
Newark,New Jersey
Organizing、Economic Empowerment和Advocacy