Never Hate ME is a community-focused, statewide educational initiative. We aim to bring together allies and those targeted by hate speech and violence, including people of different faith traditions, in order to confront intolerance toward marginalized communities and combat the rising antisemitism and Islamophobia. The campaign is a collaborative community initiative, focusing on what we share and our goal to make Maine free of intolerance and hate.
Never Hate ME celebrates the acceptance of others regardless of their race, religious affiliation, political views, immigration status, and sexual orientation. As organizers of the campaign, we believe that every person’s humanity matters and must be honored, and that every Mainer should be treated with dignity.
Never Hate ME showcases our commitment toward creating safety and security for all marginalized communities and individuals.
We believe, during this time of global turmoil, that we must join hands and come together to highlight our shared values and commitments. We strive to say no to hate and to move forward in working together to ensure that even the most vulnerable can feel safe and supported in Maine.
For more information email us at hello(at)
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