NDTA United States Virtual Chapter转发了
AWESOME news that "we" (see below who that is composed of) received news recently from Ohio Department of Development that WON a grant to start-up an Industry Sector Partnership (ISP) about Supply Chain with O-SCAN 2.0! Watch for more information to come soon, but if you are interested in getting involved, or at least getting information, let me know!
Born of a conversation with Jeremy D. Banta, a National Science Foundation (NSF) grant, and some delicious tacos, O-SCAN was formed before the Pandemic, with the goal of elevating interest in and awareness of supply chain careers amongst pre-collegiate students. O-SCAN is a collaboration of colleges & universities, corporate partners, governmental entities, and NGOs. We're happy to announce that O-SCAN 2.0 is coming, thanks to hard work from the Columbus Chamber of Commerce, ClearView Management Resources, and the Ohio Department of Development. If you're interested in getting involved, let us know! #supplychain #logistics #education #oscan #columbus