Here's the list of registered employers attending the 10th Annual Craven Works Career & Resource Fair next Wednesday, March 19, 2025 from 10am-2:30pm at the Riverfront Convention Center. Be sure to bring hard copies of your resume & dress for success. The first hour is for military veterans, active duty service members, military spouses & high school students. See you there! #jobopportunities #NCWorks #easternnc #CareerOpportunities #cravencounty #CravenCountyNC #JonesCounty #PamlicoCounty #newbernnc #havelocknc #cherrypointnc #NewBernHelpWanted #ncworkscraven #jonescountync #pamlicocountync #havelocknc #cityofnewbernnc #townofnewport #jamescitync #townofriverbend #townofbridgeton #bayboronc #havelockchamber #newbernchamber #ecwdb #EasternNC #townofbridgetonnc #PollocksvilleNC #townofmaysvillenc