"Can I interest you in some information on the Foster Youth to Independence Initiative?"
Imagine knowing that youth wrote a distribution mechanism for HUD's housing choice voucher program that creates a guaranteed platform for economic security for three to five years ( young people can earn an additional two years by working or going to school or in anyway working towards self-sufficiency) and then failing to disclose that information to young people who are aging out. #FYI is now FIVE years old. And we've (NATIONAL CENTER FOR HOUSING AND CHILD WELFARE ) have trained everyone on it (free of charge). At this point, youth who have reached adulthood and foster care shouldn't even be thinking about homelessness, let alone fearing it. Here's the good news: every time you read a human interest story about how desperate foster youth pick up the phone and force everyone your community to embrace this elegantly straightforward solution – that closely mirrors, what we all do with our own kids to help them become independent, accomplished adults. Every time you read a human interest about youth homelessness you should call that nonprofit or that public agency and say "Can I interest you in some information about FYI?" in this article you have read about Anne Carelli who did exactly that! I was happy to be her accomplice! Monica Scott from the DFACS is AMAZING as well and she will change lives in her new role in the state!!! Thank you, as always to the original authors and administrators who wrote this and put it into place in 2019 Jamole Callahan Shalita O'Neale Joshua Hatch April M Curtis-Rivera, MSW, LSC Christopher Patterson ???????? Michael Outrich Eshawn Peterson, MBA, CDE?, PCC