National Early Childhood Program Accreditation (NECPA)转发了
Child Care Is a Business Issue — Not Just a Family One? ? Conservatives have a prime opportunity to champion Child Care reform in a way that strengthens families, businesses, and the economy — without expanding government overreach. ? The facts: Lack of Child Care keeps millions of parents out of the workforce, costing businesses billions. Yet the 45F Child Care Tax Credit — capped at just $150,000 — falls short. For instance, a company with 255 employees could max it out for only 51 parents. That’s not enough. ? We don’t need big government solutions — we need business-driven policies, backed by technology, that empower employers and fuel economic growth. Companies like Mazda Toyota Manufacturing are proving that Child Care Benefits reduce turnover and boost retention. Conservatives have the opportunity to take action and lead the way on policy that impacts us all. Read more ?? #childcarereform #45F #childcarebenefits