This week was filled with thought-provoking and student-centered partnership opportunities through the Adult Learners and Students with Children (ALSC) KC within NASPA - Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education! Yesterday, our NASPA-ALSC KC and the Administrators in Graduate and Professional Student Services (AGAPSS) KC came together for a meet-up on ways our student populations overlap as well as resources we could share with one another. Thankful for Valerie Shepard, Jackie Yun, and the entire AGAPSS team for making this event and collaboration possible.
Today, the ALSC KC leadership team came together to review our goals for the upcoming year, review the critical feedback of our membership, and create a schedule of topics for the new year that adhere to the interests and needs of our members. I am truly grateful to be the chair of a KC with such driven, caring, and strategic leadership.