What is on your to be list?
To be(e) or not to be that is the question, isn't it?
Before adding the e = energy
and going from a state of to be
to a state of making a bee, it is essential to check in on the me.
"If gratefulness is your attitude it will become your fortitude." Torben
Being in the present is a true superpower a lot of busy professionals seem to have forgotten.
We are all, well, almost all:
- busy professional bees making honey
- a bit lost in the game
- overly rational and me centric
- avoiding deeper reflections
- riding waves of materialisms
- chasing an ideal identity
I stumbled across this to be list and it deeply resonated with me and my clients.
It is this peace of mind we all, well, almost all, (sub)consciously chase.
Here are my top hacks
Take nothing personally.
Take everything as impulses.
Deep why everything.
When bad things happen take them as chances to change your attitude and behaviour.
Wear glasses of positivity and turn them into productivity.
I adore and incorporated the Can Do, lets go American attitude into my behavuoural DNA.
I focus on things I can change and derive my positive energy for actively looking for glimmers (small things that cause joy, a Baby smiling, birds flying, a sunset, a casual conversation, a funny tik tok share).
What do you do to be?