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??If you are a preference eligible in the excepted service and you have not completed 1 year or more of current, continuous service in the same or similar position, you may not appeal your termination to the Board.
??If you are a nonpreference eligible in the excepted service and you have not completed 2 years or more of current, continuous service, ???? ???????? ???????????????????????????you may not appeal your termination to the Board.
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??Probationary employees in the competitive service or serving under a Veterans’ Recruitment Appointment (VRA) do have limited appeal rights to the Board by regulation. 5 C.F.R. § 315.806. VRA appointees have the same regulatory rights of appeal to the Board as competitive service employees terminated during probation.
??If the agency terminates you for unsatisfactory performance or conduct during your probationary period, you are entitled to a written notice explaining why you are being separated and the effective date of the separation. The agency must, at a minimum, state its conclusions as to the inadequacies in your performance or conduct. 5 C.F.R. §315.804. You may appeal your termination (if it was not required by statute) only if you allege it was based on partisan political reasons or marital status. 5 C.F.R. § 315.806(b).
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??You may have the right to file an Equal Employment Opportunity complaint, a grievance, or a request for corrective action with the Office of Special Counsel. You should quickly attempt to determine whether such options exist before you file an appeal, because frequently the type of review you seek first constitutes an “election of remedy” that may limit or preclude other review options.