We are happy to share that the MSU Marketing Club and members are feeling good as we wrap up the spring semester with smiles on our faces. The semester started strong with presentations and activities based on content creation, social media platforms, and digital marketing tools. We welcomed six of our club members (Nadia Bubay, Alison Jackson, Diana Perez, Stephanie Cafaro, Stephanie Rivas, and Kylie Irizarry) onto our social media team to create engaging content for our Instagram, TikTok, and LinkedIn pages. Then, we embraced our creativity at our Vision Board Making Event, where free art supplies were distributed to help our members cut, paste, and draw their vision for their future selves. After Spring Break, we were honored to host two amazing guest speakers, Dr. Glenn Gorab, and Jordan Banafsheha. Dr. Glenn Gorab expertly pitched his creation, “ID Spot”, to our club members and entrusted our club to supply him with ideas on how to market his product. Jordan Banafsheha provided us with valuable insights into the marketing industry, from his experiences with performance marketing to opening his own digital marketing firm! Our members applied what they learned throughout the semester and put it into practice at our Shark Tank Event in early April. We would like to thank DECA once again for collaborating with us on the event. Students formed teams and brainstormed ideas for a product that would appeal to their target audience and pitched it to our sharks, the President of our Marketing Club (Leila Elashmawy) and the President of DECA (Adrian V.). Congratulations to the winners of the Shark Tank Event (Sydney Huttemann, Tiffany Farias and Evan Spitzberg) In Mid-April, we hosted our E-Board elections to find our 2024-2025 Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Program Director. Shoutout to all of our E-board candidates for putting together amazing campaign presentations, and congratulations to the newest members of our E-Board (Amaya Davidson, Esmeralda Ignacio, Mahdi Naqvi, and Nadia Bubay). After all the hard work this semester, we played fun games and snacked on delicious donuts at our End of the Semester Celebration. Congratulations to our top-point earners (Alison Jackson, Nadia Bubay, and Kailey Bondarowicz) who were rewarded with a Nintendo Switch, Bluetooth Speaker, and Bluetooth Projector. Our goal for this semester was to create a community of students from different majors and equip them with skills needed to succeed post-grad. All majors are welcome to join us in the Fall semester every Wednesday in SBUS 110 from 1:30 - 2:30 PM. Let’s grow together, as professionals and people. Thank you for supporting our little Marketing Club family.