Now Enrolling for Fall 2025: Micro-Credentials in Extractive Technologies
Join us at Montana Technological University Graduate School to strengthen the talent and expertise in the critical minerals and materials supply chain. All content is delivered?on-line, asynchronously, allowing the working professional to join us any time, from anywhere.
? The?Certificate?in?Mineral Deposit Exploration?will prepare students and professionals to function effectively as mineral-exploration geologists, with an emphasis on critical mineral commodities.
? The Mining Engineering Certificate will prepare students to fill traditional mining engineering roles for mining operations. Students who complete this certificate will be able to analyze slope stability and ground support requirements, evaluate mine ventilation requirements, apply mine planning and design principles, and produce economic evaluations.
? The?Extractive Metallurgy Certificate?will prepare students to function effectively as process engineers in an industrial environment that involves chemical metallurgy operations, including pyrometallurgical, hydrometallurgical, and electrometallurgical industrial applications. Graduates will be equipped to assess and compare the technical and economic feasibilities of various process alternatives in industrial metallurgy processes.
? The?Certificate in Production Geology?will prepare a student to evaluate physical and chemical hydrogeologic datasets and apply them so that they will function a groundwater engineer or hydrogeologist in the mining environment.
? The Mineral Project Management & Evaluation Certificate will prepare students to fill supervisory roles within mining operations and studies. Students who complete this certificate will be able to conduct economic evaluations of mining projects from simple trade-off studies to feasibility studies for new operations and quantify the impact of uncertainty within the evaluation.
? The?Mineral Processing Certificate?will prepare students for an industrial environment that involves physical separation operations including froth flotation and separation (magnetic, electrostatic, gravity) operations. Graduates will analyze process alternatives by developing process flow diagrams, and calculating mass balances, and they will assess and compare the technical and economic feasibilities of various process alternatives.
? The?Environmental Management for Mining Operations Certificate?will prepare students for the environmental, societal and regulatory elements of a mine project, which present one of the largest risks with mine development, operation and closure.?Graduates will be able to assess and compare the technical, legal, societal and economic feasibilities of various mine operational and decommissioning alternatives which could impact the environment or community.
Apply for admission, or learn more about Micro-Credentials: