When is a nanny a luxury and when is it a necessity?
Founder/CEO of MomSub reducing the cost, hassle and stress of finding, arranging and managing child care
Is a nanny a luxury? If you think so, you’re ignoring 7 million working moms in the U.S. who need part-time child care. Moms like Alicia, who has to leave her 4-year-old daughter at 3 a.m. to go to work. As a single mom, she needs to keep her job. There is no daycare near her open at that time. She needs a nanny to be in her home from 3 a.m. to 6:30 a.m. and drop off her little girl at daycare. She needs someone trusted and reliable she can count on every day, not just an occasional sitter. Like millions of others, it’s a necessity for Alicia to have an affordable part-time nanny who can watch and drive her child. It’s disheartening to see others claim that having a nanny is a luxury. Not everyone who needs a nanny is an executive making six figures who can afford $25-$35 an hour. From nurses to police officers to third shift factory workers, millions of families have jobs and schedules that require them to find a part-time weekly nanny. MomSub is proud to help these parents find the right nanny who fits their life, so they can keep their jobs, progress in their careers and grow their retirement accounts. If you support better options for these working moms and dads, contact me about MomSub’s upcoming crowdfunding campaign. #childcare #nanny #nannies #luxury #affordablechildcare #nannyrates #sitterrates #babysitter #workingmoms #workingdads #middleclass #middleclassfamily #parttimechildcare #afterhourschildcare