10 months ago, Snowflake acquired #Ponder. Today, we announce General availability for pandas on Snowflake, powered by open source Modin! I'm super proud of what our team has been able to accomplish in such a short period of time. Not only is this an incredible technical achievement, but it also shows a serious commitment from Snowflake to integrate with the open source rather than trying to build a competing ecosystem.
I created Modin in 2018. At the time, it was believed that pandas was fundamentally incompatible with databases. Even systems that came after (e.g. Koalas) don't generate SQL, but go through a different dataframe API. Ponder was the first to make this possible, primarily because of our deep understanding of dataframes–we defined the core theoretical dataframe data model and algebra. With this announcement, Snowflake speaks Pandas, and can support workloads at a massive scale.
We're not done yet. Stay tuned for more!
#python #datascience #dataengineering #data #pandas #dataframe #snowflake #modin