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Ive had a group of bad ones on my network for years. I knew it but nothing ever stolen, low priority. Then medical insurance was stolen (documented). Then phone cloned, the number belongs to some guy in the neighborhood (multiple HSCO police reports). He keeps trying to access my accounts with it (Verizon Fraud reports, police reports). I find a log, carefully kept, documenting a decade's worth of hacks on my nothing residential home network. People sit in my front yard and diddle on my network, no understanding how cameras work. One loser actually wrote a bunch of scripts that screwed up PCs while flying home for chemo treatments. Seriously, he has a big ol carcinoma from smoking and he's wasting time on my network doing MIIM attacks. How do I know about the carcinoma? The bunch of them forget that cloning a phone means I see your messages too. I sure hope none of you pay them, but since two of your managers traded texts about filing the taxes, I guess you've all been cheated by these winners too. Oh and Mitch isn't dead. this time or the first time he pulled this in Jan 23.