“Some people have already shared that I should stop crying over it already and just move on [I have, I can't stop people reposting!], change my narrative, be more resilient, stop my victim mindset....; but overwhelmingly it has given voice, comfort, reflection to many others who can leverage this article and my post to spark meaningful conversations on #genderintersectionality and the purpose of #IWD. I'll hold onto this for now, as impact and progress.” - Div Pillay
It has been about a week since?Div Pillay posted on LinkedIn explaining why she declined, or was rejected, to speak at 6 International Women’s Day speaking engagements this year. The post reached over 100,000 impressions and clearly struck a nerve. Most women (and a few men) were supportive, but she also received many private messages from people who thought it was inappropriate to share her experience, "shaming and blaming of the organisations who are trying to do their best". In the wake of this experience, Pillay has a message to share: If your keynotes and panel speakers carry one type of narrative year after year; if you treat all women as a homogenous group; then your progress for gender equality will plateau. #IWD #internationalwomensday